Lab – Configure a NIC to Use DHCP in Windows (Answers) Lab – Configure a NIC to Use DHCP in Windows (Answers)


In this lab, you will configure an Ethernet NIC to use DHCP to obtain an IP address and test connectivity between two computers.

  • Wireless router
  • Two computers running Windows
  • Ethernet patch cables (straight-through cable)

Answers Note: Complete the NIC configuration before class to make sure that the NIC acquires an IP address.

Step 1: Connect the hosts to the router.

a. For Host A, plug one end of the Ethernet patch cable into Port 1 of the router.

b. For Host A, plug the other end of the Ethernet patch cable into the network port on the computer.

c. For Host B, plug one end of the Ethernet patch cable into Port 2 on the back of the router.

d. For Host B, plug the other end of the Ethernet patch cable into the network port on the computer.

e. Plug in the power cable of the router, if it is not already plugged in.

f. Turn on both computers and log on to Windows on Host A as an administrator.

g. Click Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center. The Network and Sharing Center window opens. Lab - Configure a NIC to Use DHCP in Windows (Answers) 8

Step 2: Set Host A’s NIC to use DHCP.

a. Click Local Area Connection > Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties window opens. Lab - Configure a NIC to Use DHCP in Windows (Answers) 9

What is the name and model number of the NIC in the Connect using: field?
Answers may vary.

What are the items listed in the This connection uses the following items: field?
Answers may vary but must include Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

b. Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties. The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window opens. Lab - Configure a NIC to Use DHCP in Windows (Answers) 10

What is listed for the IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway in the fields of the Use the following IP address: area?
Answers may vary. If the computer is configured to obtain an IP address automatically, there will be no information in the fields.

c. Select the Obtain an IP address automatically radio button, if it is not already selected.

d. Select the Obtain DNS server address automatically radio button, if it is not already selected.

e. Click OK to close the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window. Lab - Configure a NIC to Use DHCP in Windows (Answers) 11

f. Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties window. Lab - Configure a NIC to Use DHCP in Windows (Answers) 12

g. Click Close to close the Local Area Connection Status window.

Step 3: Record Host A’s IP address information.

a. Check the lights on the back of the NIC. These lights will blink when there is network activity.

b. Open a command window.

c. Type ipconfig /all, and then press the Enter key. Lab - Configure a NIC to Use DHCP in Windows (Answers) 13

What is the IP address of the computer?
Answers may vary.

What is the subnet mask of the computer?
Answers may vary.

What is the default gateway of the computer?
Answers may vary.

What are the DNS servers for the computer?
Answers may vary.

What is the MAC address of the computer?
Answers will vary.

Is DHCP enabled?

What is the IP address of the DHCP server?
Answers will vary.

On what date was the lease obtained?
Answers may vary.

On what date does the lease expire?
Answers may vary.

d. Type ping your IP address. For example, ping Lab - Configure a NIC to Use DHCP in Windows (Answers) 14

Record one of the replies from your ping command.
Answers may vary.

If the ping was not successful, ask the instructor for assistance.

Step 4: Record Host B’s IP address information.

a. Log in to Host B as an administrator and ensure the Obtain an IP address automatically and the Obtain DNS server address automatically radio buttons are selected.

b. Click OK > OK.

c. Open a command window.

d. Type ipconfig /all.

What is the IP address of the computer?
Answers may vary.

What is the subnet mask of the computer?
Answers may vary.

What is the default gateway of the computer?
Answers may vary.

What are the DNS servers for the computer?
Answers may vary.

What is the IP address of the DHCP server?
Answers will vary.

Step 5: Set static IP address information.

a. Select the radio buttons Use the following IP address and Use the following DNS server address.

b. Enter in the IP address information for the NIC from the previous step.

c. Click OK > OK.

d. Open a command window.

e. Type ping IP address for Host B.

If the ping was not successful, ask the instructor for assistance.

Step 6: Verify Connectivity.

a. From Host B, type ping IP address for Host A.

Was the ping successful?

b. From Host A type ping IP address for Host B.

Was the ping successful?

c. Return all network configurations to their original settings, unless stated otherwise by the instructor.

d. Set the NIC to Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.

e. Click OK > OK.

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