Lab – Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers) Lab – Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers)


In this lab, you will customize the Startup Folder and the Run Key in the registry.

  • A computer running Windows 7 or Vista

Step 1: Creating a shortcut for Internet Explorer.

a. Click Start > All Programs, right-click Internet Explorer and click Send To > Desktop (create shortcut). Lab - Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers) 9

Step 2: Adding the shortcut to the Startup Menu.

a. To open the Startup folder, click Start > All Programs, right-click the Startup folder, and select Open.

b. Drag the Internet Explorer shortcut icon to the right pane of the Startup folder. Lab - Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers) 10

c. Restart Windows.

d. Log on to Windows as an administrator.

What happens when you log in?
Internet Explorer starts automatically.

e. Close Internet Explorer.

Step 3: Manage Startup applications using Windows Registry.

a. Click Start, type regedit and press Enter.

b. The Registry Editor window opens. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion> Run.

Note: Incorrect changes to the registry can cause system errors and/or system instability. Lab - Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers) 11

c. Right-click anywhere in the white space on the right side of the window. Select New and click String Value. A new String Value is created. Lab - Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers) 12

d. Click anywhere in the white space of the window.

e. Right-click New Value #1 > Rename. Type Notepad and press Enter. Lab - Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers) 13

f. Right-click Notepad > Modify. Type C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe in the Value data field. Click OK. Lab - Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers) 14

g. Close the Registry Editor window.

h. Restart Windows.

i. Log on to Windows as an administrator.

What happens when you log in?
Internet Explorer and Notepad start automatically.

j. Close all open Windows.

Step 4: Removing Programs from the startup folder and registry

a. Click Start > All Programs > Startup. Right-click Internet Explorer and select Delete. Click Yes on the Delete File window. Lab - Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers) 15

b. To remove Notepad from the Run folder in the Registry, click Start, type regedit and press Enter.

c. Expand the HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion> Run

d. Right-click Notepad and select Delete. Click Yes for the Confirm Value Delete. Lab - Managing the Startup Folder in Windows 7 and Vista (Answers) 16

e. Restart Windows.

f. Log on to Windows as an administrator.

What happens when you log in?
Internet Explorer and Notepad no longer start automatically.

g. Close all open windows.


Why would a user want to stop programs from starting automatically?
Some programs add themselves to the Startup Folder upon installation. Having too many programs starting automatically can slow down the computer, delaying the boot process.

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