IT Essentials v7.01 Chapter 6 Quiz Answers

1. A technician wishes to update the NIC driver for a computer. What is the best location for finding new drivers for the NIC?

  • Windows Update
  • the website for the manufacturer of the NIC
  • the installation media that came with the NIC
  • the website for Microsoft
  • the installation media for Windows

2. Fill in the blank.
The process that a wireless router uses to translate a private IP address on internal traffic to a routable address for the Internet is called NAT .

Explanation: Wireless routers use Network Address Translation to translate internal or private addresses into Internet-routable or public addresses.

3. What is the problem if a computer automatically configures an IP address in the 169.254.x.x address range?

  • The DHCP server is unreachable.
  • The DNS server is unreachable.
  • The computer is configured with an incorrect default gateway.
  • The computer NIC is disabled.

Explanation: When a computer automatically configures an IP address in the 169.254.x.x range, then it is an indication that the DHCP is inaccessible or down.

4. A user reports that the corporate web server cannot be accessed. A technician verifies that the web server can be accessed by its IP address. What are two possible causes of the problem? (Choose two.)

  • The web server is misconfigured.
  • The DNS server address is misconfigured on the workstation.
  • The network connection is down.
  • The default gateway address is misconfigured on the workstation.
  • The web server information is misconfigured on the DNS server.

Explanation: The fact that the web server can be accessed by its IP address indicates that the web server is working and there is connectivity between the workstation and the web server. However, the web server domain name is not resolving correctly to its IP address. This could be caused by a misconfiguration of the DNS server IP address on the workstation or the wrong entry of the web server in the DNS server.

5. A computer is assigned an IP address of What can be said about the computer, based on the assigned address?

  • It can communicate with networks inside a particular company with subnets.
  • It can communicate on the local network as well as on the Internet.
  • It has a public IP address that has been translated to a private IP address.
  • It cannot communicate outside its own network.

Explanation: If a computer is configured with DHCP but it cannot communicate with the DHCP server in order to obtain an IP address, the Windows OS automatically assigns a link-local IP, in the range of to The computer can only communicate with other computers connected to the same network and cannot communicate with computers in another network.

6. A new computer workstation has been installed in a small office. The user of the workstation can print a document using a network printer on the LAN, but cannot access the Internet. What is a possible cause of the problem?

  • The DHCP server IP address is misconfigured.
  • The TCP/IP stack is not functional.
  • The gateway IP address is misconfigured.
  • The workstation is configured with a static IP address.

Explanation: The fact that the workstation can print at a networked printer indicates that the TCP/IP stack is functional. However, that the workstation cannot communicate with external networks indicates that the most likely problem is the incorrect default gateway address. If the workstation is configured to obtain an IP address automatically, the DHCP server address does not to be configured.

7. A device has been assigned the IPv6 address of 2001:0db8:cafe:4500:1000:00d8:0058:00ab/64. Which is the network identifier of the device?

  • 1000:00d8:0058:00ab
  • 2001:0db8:cafe:4500:1000:00d8:0058:00ab
  • 2001
  • 2001:0db8:cafe:4500:1000
  • 2001:0db8:cafe:4500

Explanation: The address has a prefix length of /64. The first 64 bits represent the network portion, whereas the last 64 bits represent the host portion of the IPv6 address. In this example the network bits are 2001:0db8:cafe:4500.

8. A wireless router is displaying the IP address of What could this mean?

  • The wireless router still has the factory default IP address.
  • The NAT function is not working on the wireless router.
  • Dynamic IP address allocation has been configured on the router and is functioning correctly.
  • The wireless router has been configured to use the frequencies on channel 1.

Explanation: Wireless routers usually come with factory default settings. The IP address is often set to The default username and password are often admin. The IP address, username, and password should all be modified to help secure the router.

9. Which protocol is used by ping to test connectivity between network hosts?

  • ARP
  • ICMP
  • TCP
  • DHCP

Explanation: The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is used by ping to test connectivity between network hosts. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to map IP addresses to MAC addresses. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to dynamically assign IP addresses to network hosts. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is considered a reliable protocol that segments the application layer data into segments for transmission.

10. Which protocol dynamically assigns IP addresses to network devices?

  • RARP
  • TCP
  • DHCP
  • DNS
  • ICMP

11. What is a result when the DHCP servers are not operational in a network?

  • Workstations are assigned with IP addresses in the network.
  • Workstations are assigned with the IP address
  • Workstations are assigned with the IP address
  • Workstations are assigned with IP addresses in the network.

Explanation: When workstations are configured with obtaining IP address automatically but DHCP servers are not available to respond to the requests, a workstation can assign itself an IP addresses from the network.

12. A customer has a web server for a small business. The business uses both wired and wireless networking. A Linksys WRT300N wireless router provides wireless and wired connectivity. What firewall option may be enabled in order for customers to gain access to the web server from their remote locations?WPA2

  • WEP
  • MAC address filtering
  • port triggering
  • port forwarding

Explanation: Port forwarding directs traffic between networks using forwarding rules. WPA encrypts wireless information, and MAC filtering prevents unauthorized access to the WLAN. Port triggering is a technique used with NAT configurations.

13. A computer has been assigned an IP address of What command initiates the process of requesting a new IP address?

  • ipconfig /release
  • net computer
  • nslookup
  • tracert

Explanation: Forcing a PC to release its DHCP binding allows a new DHCP request operation to occur. The net, tracert, and nslookup commands do not have any effect on DHCP configurations.

14. What command can be used to troubleshoot domain name resolution issues?

  • get
  • tracert
  • nslookup
  • arp -a

15. Which filtering method uses IP addresses to specify allowed devices on your network?

  • port triggering
  • blacklisting
  • whitelisting
  • MAC address filtering
  • port forwarding

Explanation: Whitelisting and blacklisting specify which IP addresses are allowed or denied on your network. This is typically done using an access list or access policy.

16. Which network service automatically assigns IP addresses to devices on the network?

  • Telnet
  • traceroute
  • DNS
  • DHCP

Explanation: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) can be used to allow end devices to automatically configure IP information, such as their IP address, subnet mask, DNS server, and default gateway. The DNS service is used to provide domain name resolution, mapping hostnames to IP addresses. Telnet is a method for remotely accessing a CLI session of a switch or router. traceroute is a command used to determine the path a packet takes as it traverses the network.

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