CCNP ENCOR v8 Chapters 1 – 5: L2 Redundancy Test Online

CCNP ENCOR v8 Chapters 1 – 5: L2 Redundancy Test Online

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1 year ago

Correction to question number 10 answers:

After the election of the root bridge has been completed, how will switches find the best paths to the root bridge?

  • Each switch will analyze the sum of the hops to reach the root and use the path with the fewest hops.
  • Each switch will analyze the BID of all neighbors to reach the root and use the path through the lowest BID neighbors.
  • Each switch will analyze the sum of all port costs to reach the root and use the path with the lowest cost.
  • Each switch will analyze the port states of all neighbors and use the designated ports to forward traffic to the root.
mostafa anwer marey
mostafa anwer marey
2 years ago


Jean paul Ndamukunda
Jean paul Ndamukunda
3 years ago

wow very nice