7.0.3 Lab – Install the CSR1000v VM (Answers)

7.0.3 Lab – Install the CSR1000v VM (Answers)


  • Part 1: Install the CSR1000v VM on VirtualBox
  • Part 2: Verify Communications to CSR1000v VM

Background / Scenario

In this lab, you will install the CSR1000v Cloud Services Router. This is a Cisco software virtual router deployed on a virtual machine (VM) instance on x86 server hardware. When the Cisco CSR 1000v is deployed on a VM, the Cisco IOS XE software functions as if it were deployed on a traditional Cisco hardware platform. You can configure different features depending on the Cisco IOS XE software image.

Note: The CSR1000v name will be shortened to CSR1kv in future labs. However, for this lab we use CSR1000v.

Required Resources

  • Host computer with at least 4 GB of RAM and 2 GB of free disk space
  • Virtual Box or VMware
  • DEVASC Virtual Machine


Part 1: Install the CSR1000v VM

Install the CSR1000v VM directly on your x86 computer. It requires at least 4GB of RAM.

Step 1: Instructor only: Download the CSR1000v ISO file.

Note: Only the instructor or anyone with proper credentials is allowed to download ISO files from Cisco. This step must be done by the instructor.

a. To download the CSR1000v ISO go to:


Note: To download software from cisco.com, you must be an active NetAcad instructor and have a CCO account with the activated NetAcad Maintenance contract.

b. Select the download icon to the right of the following file:

Cisco CSR1000V IOS XE Universal – CRYPTO ISO

c. The instructor may now distribute this ISO to students to use in the DevNet Associate course only.

Instructor Note: It is strongly recommended that you allow students to go through the rest of the installation process. Virtual machine management is an essential skill for them to practice.

Step 2: Download the CSR1000v VM OVA file.

a. Navigate to the DevNet Associate Virtual Machines (VMs) page on netacad.com.

b. Download the DEVASC_CSR1000v.zip and note the location of file.

c. This file contains both the VirtualBox and VMware template files. Unzip the file to access the VMs.

Step 3: Install the CSR1000v VM.

a. Open Oracle VirtualBox Manager or VMware Workstation.

b. Select File > Import in VirtualBox or File > Open in VMware. In VMware Workstation Player, select Player > File > Open.

c. In VirtualBox, select the file ova and click Open and Import.

In VMware, select the file CSR1000v_for_VMware.ova and click Open.

d. Click Import.

e. You will now see the CSR1000v VM added to VirtualBox or VMware.

Step 4: Update the installation ISO location.

a. Select the Virtual Machine Settings or click Edit virtual machine settings.

b. In the VM Settings, go to the very first CD Drive setting.

  • In VirtualBox: VM Settings > Storage > CD device (the first CD Drive in the list)
  • In VMware: VM Settings > the first “CD/DVD (IDE)” Drive in the list.

c. In the first CD Drive settings, replace the currently used ISO file

  • In VirtualBox: Attributes > CD icon > Choose a disk file …
  • In VMware: Next to “Use ISO image file”, click Browse.

d. Select the ISO file you received from your instructor in Step 1.

At the time this lab was written, the file name was csr1000v-universalk9.16.09.05.iso. However, the version (16.09.05) may have changed, altering the file name.

e. Do NOT change the Second CD Drive settings. That is used for the initial configuration of the router.

f. Click OK to save the Virtual Machine settings.

Step 5: For VirtualBox on Mac and Linux, verify the CSR1000v is using a Host-Only Adapter.

a. In VirtualBox, click File > Host Network Manager…

b. Verify that there is a host adapter with a name such as vxboxnet0 with an IPv4 Address/Mask It is important that your host-only adapter is on the network.

c. If host adapter does not exist, click Create.

d. If the IPv4 address is not on, select the adapter and click Properties. Modify the IPv4 address and click Close.

Step 6: Start CSR1000v VM.

a. Select the CSR1000v VM and click Start or Power On.

b. If you receive the following message, continue with this step, otherwise, go to the next step:

Could not start the machine DEVASC-CSR1000v because the following physical network interfaces were not found:

VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter (adapter 1)

You can either change the machine’s network settings or stop the machine.

c. Verify the following:

Adapter 1 – Attached to: Host-only Adapter

d. Click OK.

Step 7: VM Loading Process.

During the loading process you will see several messages including a message to Press any key to continue. You can ignore all of these messages.

A selection screen will appear where you can choose different configuration options. Do not choose any configuration options. Installation will continue on its own.

Wait for the initial installation process to complete. This will take several minutes the first time you boot the CSR1000v.

You will begin to see IOS messages from different processes including %SSH, %PKI and %CRYPTO_ENGINE. After a few minutes the messages will stop.

a. Within the VM window, press Enter.

You should now see the prompt: CSR1kv>.

b. Enter enable for the privileged EXEC prompt. There is no enable password.

CSR1kv> enable

Part 2: Verify Communications to CSR1000v VM.

In this Part, you will verify communications between devices:

Step 1: Verify the CSR1000v IPv4 address.

From the CSR1000v VM, use the show ip interface brief command to verify the IPv4 address of the GigabitEthernet1 interface. The CSR1000v is most likely using the IPv4 address from the 192.168.x.y address space.

CSR1kv# show ip interface brief
Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
GigabitEthernet1  YES DHCP   up                    up      

Make note of this address and use it in the rest of this lab as well as other labs in this course in place of the default of

Step 2: Launch the DEVASC VM.

If you have not completed the Lab 1.1.2 Lab – Install the Virtual Machine Environment, do so now. If you have already completed that lab, launch the DEVASC VM now.

Step 3: Ping the CSR1000v VM from the DEVASC VM VM.

a. Select the DEVASC VM

b. Open a Terminal

c. Ping the CSR1000v VM at its IPv4 address.

devasc@labvm:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=8.04 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=3.08 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=1.04 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=1.08 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3010ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.038/3.310/8.043/2.854 ms
Step 4: Establish a secure shell (SSH) session with the CSR1000v.

Some of the tasks you will complete in later labs will require an SSH session with the CSR1000v.

a. Connect to the CSR1000v with SSH from the DEVASC VM. Use the password cisco123! to authenticate. Notice that you are automatically in privileged EXEC mode. Enter exit to end the SSH session.

devasc@labvm:~$ ssh [email protected]

*                                           *
**                                         **
***                                       ***
***  Cisco Networking Academy             ***
***                                       ***
***  This software is provided for        ***
***   Educational Purposes                ***
***    Only in Networking Academies       ***
***                                       ***
**                                         **
*                                           *

CSR1kv# exit
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
Step 5: From the DEVASC VM, access the CSR1000v WebUI (Web User Interface).

a. Open a web browser on the DEVASC VM.

b. For the URL enter:

Note: Be sure to use “https”

c. If your browser displays a warning similar to, “Your connection is not private”:

  1. Click Advanced.
  2. Click Proceed to (unsafe).

d. You will now see a LOGIN screen. Enter the following:

  1. Username: cisco
  2. Password: cisco123!
  3. Click LOGIN NOW.

You will now see the Dashboard for the CSR1000v. You are now accessing the CSR1000v’s WebUI from the DEVASC virtual machine.

Step 6: From your local computer, access the CSR1000v WebUI (Web User Interface).

a. Open a web browser on your local computer, not inside the DEVASC VM.

b. For the URL, enter:

Note: Be sure to use “https”.

c. If your browser displays a warning similar to, “Your connection is not private”:

  1. Click Advanced.
  2. Click Proceed to (unsafe).

d. You will now see a LOGIN screen. Enter the following:

  1. Username: cisco
  2. Password: cisco123!
  3. Click LOGIN NOW.

You will now see the Dashboard for the CSR1000v. You are now accessing the CSR1000v’s WebUI from your local computer.

Download 7.0.3 Lab – Install the CSR1000v VM .PDF file:


7.0.3 Lab - Install the CSR1000v VM .PDF 270.34 KB 5361 downloads

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