8.3.5 Lab – Explore YANG Models (Answers)

8.3.5 Lab – Explore YANG Models (Answers) Objectives Part 1: Launch the DEVASC VM Part 2: Explore a YANG Model on GitHub Part 3: Explore a YANG Model Using pyang Background / Scenario YANG models define the exact structure, data types, syntax and validation rules for the content …

7.0.3 Lab – Install the CSR1000v VM (Answers)

7.0.3 Lab – Install the CSR1000v VM (Answers) Objectives Part 1: Install the CSR1000v VM on VirtualBox Part 2: Verify Communications to CSR1000v VM Background / Scenario In this lab, you will install the CSR1000v Cloud Services Router. This is a Cisco software virtual router deployed on a …