Lab – Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions

Lab – Researching Network Collaboration Tools


Part 1: Use Collaboration Tools

• Identify current awareness of collaboration tools.
• Identify key reasons for using collaboration tools.

Part 2: Share Documents with Google Drive

Part 3: Explore Conferencing and Web Meetings

Part 4: Create Wiki Pages

Background / Scenario

Network collaboration tools give people the opportunity to work together efficiently and productively without
the constraints of location or time zone. Collaborative tool types include document sharing, web meetings,
and wikis.

In Part 1, you will identify collaboration tools that you currently use. You will also research some popular
collaborative tools used today. In Part 2, you will work with Google Drive. In Part 3, you will investigate
Conferencing and Web meeting tools and, in Part 4, you will work with wikis.

Required Resources

Device with Internet access

Part 1: Use Collaboration Tools

Step 1: List some collaboration tools that you currently use today.

Some collaboration tools that I currently used are Google Docs, Skype, and Oovoo. I use google docs to edit and write documents with peers live, and I use Skype/ Oovoo to talk to people and practice things orally, like memorization and recitation.

Step 2: List some reasons for using collaboration tools.

Some reasons for using collaboration tools are that they make working with others much easier because it allows one to talk/ help online instead of needing to go in person to work on something. Google docs allows people to edit a document online vs. needing to go in person with a piece of paper/ laptop and have 2 people constantly working on it at the same time. Skype allows video chat instead of needing to see the other in person, which is ideal for people outside traveling distance.

Part 2: Share Documents with Google Drive

In Part 2, you will explore the document sharing functions by using Google Drive to set up document sharing.
Google Drive, formally Google Docs, is a web-based office suite and data storage service that allows users to
create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users. Google Drive provides 5
GB of storage with every free Google account. You can purchase additional storage, if needed.

Step 1: Create a Google account.

To use any of Google’s services, you must first create a Google account. This account can be used with any
of Google’s services, including Gmail.

a. Browse to www.google.com and click Sign in (located at the top-right corner of the web page). Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 30

b. On the Google Accounts web page, if you already have a Google account, you can sign in now;
otherwise, click SIGN UP. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 31 Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 32

d. The next web page allows you to add a profile photo if you would like. Click Next Step to complete the
account creation process.

Step 2: Create a new document.

a. Sign in to Google using the access credentials you created in Step 1. Type http://drive.google.com in your browser and press Enter. This navigates you to Google Drive. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 33

b. Click the CREATE button to display a drop-down menu that allows you to select the type of document to create. Choose Document. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 34

The new document displays. Many of the functions of the Google editor work similarly to Microsoft Word.

Step 3: Share a Google document.

a. After the blank Google document opens, you can share it with others by clicking the Share button (at the
top-right corner of the web page). Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 35

b. Name your new document, then click the Save button. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 36

c. Here on the Sharing settings web page, in the Add people text field, you can enter Google email names, email addresses, or groups with whom to share this document. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 37

d. As soon as you start entering information into the Add people box, the box provides more options. The Can edit drop-down menu allows you to choose the document privileges (Can edit, Can comment, Can view) for the people you add. You can also specify how to notify these people of this document (Send a copy to myself or Paste the item itself into the email). Click Share & save. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 38

e. Click the Done button. This will navigate you back to the open document.

f. All users with share privileges can view this document at the same time. Users with edit privileges can
edit this document while others view it.

g. If the document is being viewed by someone while you are in it, you can see who they are by clicking the
other viewer(s) drop-down menu (in the upper-right corner of the document). Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 39

Step 4: Close a Google document

To close a Google document, move your cursor to the document name at the top of the screen and a left arrow will appear to the left of the name. Click that arrow to return to your Google Drive home page. The document is automatically saved.

The new document will appear at the top of your documents list under My Drive.

Step 5: Additional Information

Google has developed apps for PCs and Smart phones. For more information about Google Drive, go to
http://drive.google.com. YouTube is also a viable source of Google Drive tutorials.

Part 3: Explore Conferencing and Web Meetings

Web meetings combine file and presentation sharing with voice, video, and desktop sharing. Cisco WebEx Meeting Center is one of the leading web meeting products available today.

In Part 3 of this lab, you will watch a video produced by Cisco that reviews the features contained within WebEx Meeting Center. The video is located on YouTube at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyaWHEF_aWg

Part 4: Create Wiki Pages

“Wiki” is a Hawaiian-language word that means fast. In networking terms, a wiki is a web-based collaboration
tool that permits almost anyone to immediately post information, files, or graphics to a common site for other users to read and modify. A wiki provides access to a home page that has a search tool to assist you in locating the articles that interest you. A wiki can be installed for the Internet community or behind a corporate firewall for employee use. The user not only reads wiki contents, but also participates by creating content within a web browser.

Although many different wiki servers are available, the following common features have been formalized into
every wiki:

• Any web browser can be used to view or edit pages or create new content.
• Edit and auto links are available to edit a page and automatically link pages. Text formatting is similar to
creating an email.
• A search engine is used for quick content location.
• Access control can be set by the topic creator, defining who is permitted to edit content.
• A wiki is a grouping of web pages with different collaboration groups.

In this part of the lab, you will use the Google account that you created in Part 2 and create a wiki page in
Google Sites.

Step 1: Sign in to Google Sites.

Go to http://sites.google.com and sign in using the Google account that you created in Part 2 of this lab. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 40

Step 2: Click CREATE. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 41

Step 3: Name your new wiki site.

In the Name your site field, type in a name for your new wiki site. You will need to come up with a unique name for your site that has not been used by any other Google user. Google also requires that you enter the code (displayed at the bottom of the screen) to prevent automated scripts, called web robots, from creating multiple sites. After you have entered your site name, click the CREATE button. If someone has used your site name already, you are prompted to enter another name. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 42

Step 4: Edit the look of your new wiki site.

a. Google has provided templates for you to change the look of your new wiki site. Click the More drop-down menu, and then click Manage site. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 43

b. Click Themes at the bottom of the left sidebar. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 44

c. Select a theme that appeals to you and click SAVE. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 45

d. After you have saved your theme selection, click your site name under Manage Site. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 46

Step 5: Update the Home page.

a. The Home page is the first page that everyone sees when they come to your wiki site. You can edit the content of this page by clicking the edit button. From here, you can add text, pictures, or anything else to show on this page. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 47

b. Click Save after you make your changes. This takes you out of page edit mode. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 48

Step 6: Create a wiki page.

a. To create a new page that you and your visitors can use to make posts, click the new page icon Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 49

b. In the Name your page field, enter a page name. In the example below, the name Routers is used as the topic for this page. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 50

c. Click the Web Page drop-down menu and select Announcements. Google uses this term to indicate a wiki page. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 51

d. Click CREATE to create your new wiki page. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 52

e. Your new wiki page, called Routers, displays and has a New post menu option that allows information to be added to the page. (Notice that the left sidebar has a new link to allow your site visitors access to this page.) Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 53

Step 7: Share your web site.

A wiki site is not really a wiki site unless other people can contribute. There are a number of ways to share
your new site. In this example, we will show you how to share your site to designated people who have Gmail accounts.

a. On your wiki site, click Share. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 54

b. Add a name, email address, or group who you grant access to this site. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 55

c. As soon as you start entering information into the Add people box, the box provides more options. The Can edit drop-down menu allows you to choose the document privileges (Can edit, Can comment, Can view) for the people you add. You can also specify how to notify these people of this document (Send a copy to myself or Paste the item itself into the email). Click Share & save. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 56

d. Click Share & save to save your sharing settings. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 57

e. The Manage Site page displays the people who have access to your site. Click your site name to return
to your home page. Lab - Researching Network Collaboration Tools Instructions 58

Step 8: Provide the URL of your site.

You can provide your URL to your new site by adding your site name to the end of the Google site URL, as
shown here: http://sites.google.com/site/(sitename).

Step 9: Find additional information.

You can find a quick overview of how a wiki works at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dnL00TdmLY.
Other examples of wikis and their web sites include:

• Wikipedia — http://www.wikipedia.org/
• Atlassian Confluence (a popular business wiki) — http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/
• Wikispaces (another free wiki) — http://www.wikispaces.com/


1. Can you think of other collaboration tools used in the business world today?

Other collaboration tools I can think of are things like screen sharing, which allows one person or more to see the screen of another; this is useful for online/ over the phone tech support as well as showing someone what is being talked about. Another collaboration tool I can think of is like the more dynamic version of Skype or other video chat applications. It allows not only video chats, but the ability to share documents/ Power Points/ screens, sort of like WebEx

2. What collaboration tools do you see as useful to a network administrator?

I think the collaboration tools that would be useful to a network administrator are video chat with screen sharing/ document presentation, and cloud document editing software. I think this because it allows them to easily get help and advice from others.

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