Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 03 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. If you want to see the entire contents of a text file, you can use the _____ command:

  • dog
  • type
  • wc
  • cat

2. The expand and unexpand commands change: (choose two)

  • New lines
  • Carriage returns
  • Spaces
  • Tabs

3. The head -n -1 readme.txt command will:

  • Show the first character of every line of readme.txt
  • Display all but the last line of readme.txt
  • Number the lines of readme.txt
  • Display the first line of readme.txt

4. Why would you press CTRL+C when executing tail?

  • To capture the output into a file
  • To complete the processing of a file
  • To stop tail from following a file
  • To get tail to copy the text it is outputting

5. Which command merges two files like related tables in a database?

  • paste
  • join
  • sql
  • query

6. Which command will merge two files together line by line?

  • combo
  • paste
  • join
  • merge

7. Which of the following is a non-interactive editor?

  • ed
  • vi
  • nano
  • sed

8. If you want to break apart a large file into smaller files, you can use:

  • split
  • cat
  • break
  • dump

9. Select the function that the tr command cannot perform:

  • Translate from one set of characters to another
  • Delete specific characters
  • Eliminate duplicate characters
  • Insert characters

10. Which command will remove consecutive duplicate lines from a file?

  • unique
  • uniq
  • dup
  • dedup

11. If you want to extract fields from a file, you can use:

  • cols
  • extract
  • fields
  • cut

12. If you want to set the maximum line width for a text file, you can use:

  • od
  • fmt
  • pager
  • format

13. This command displays binary files in a variety of representations:

  • od
  • format
  • cut
  • cat

14. If you want a file to be displayed with its lines numbered, you can use:

  • nl
  • cut
  • fmt
  • number

15. To put the lines of a file in alphabetical order, you can run:

  • uniq
  • sort
  • cat
  • paste

16. The _____ command provides many options for formatting a file for printing.

  • pr
  • format
  • print
  • header

17. Two tables have columns with the same field names. What is required in order to join the two tables?

  • Change field names in one of the tables to make it unambiguous
  • Join between such tables cannot be created
  • Create a dummy table which has no common fields
  • Field names must be prefixed by the table name and a period

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