Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 07 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. Which of the following are advantages of using the locate command?

  • It is quicker than the find command
  • Its results are always the most up to date
  • It pages the results
  • It can search by file attribute types

2. Which of the following are advantages of using the find command? (choose two)

  • It can search by file attribute types
  • It is quicker than the locate command
  • Its results are always the most up-to-date
  • It pages the results

3. Which option to the find command will search by name using a case-sensitive match?

  • -mmin
  • -iname
  • -cmin
  • -inum

4. The FHS sets which standard?

  • Which directories should be used to hold specific files
  • Which partitions should be created
  • Which filesystem types should be used
  • Which services should be installed

5. What directory is used as a temporary mount point?

  • /xbin
  • /mnt
  • /tmpmnt
  • /etc

6. Which directory is used to store files representing attached devices?

  • /tmp
  • /
  • /dev
  • /mnt

7. The _____ command will search for files using a database of all files, which is generated daily.

  • find
  • locate
  • search
  • updatedb

8. The _____ command will search for files by searching the live filesystem.

  • find
  • locate
  • search
  • updatedb

9. Which option to the locate command will have the command perform case-insensitive searches?

  • -I
  • -g
  • -i
  • -s

10. Which option to the find command will search by user owner?

  • -user
  • -person
  • -owner
  • -uowner

11. Which option to the find command will search by file type?

  • -type
  • -fstype
  • -ftype
  • -file

12. Which option to the find command will display a “long listing” of matching files?

  • -ok
  • -exec
  • -print
  • -ls

13. Which option to the find command will execute a command on each matching file without prompting the user?

  • -exec
  • -ok
  • -ls
  • -print

14. Which option to the find command will prompt the user to execute a command on each matching file?

  • -print
  • -ok
  • -ls
  • -exec

15. Which option to the find command will search by name using a case-insensitive match?

  • -iname
  • -inum
  • -insen
  • -i

16. Which directory represents the root of the primary filesystem hierarchy?

  • /var
  • /
  • /etc
  • /root

17. Which directory is used to store user home directories?

  • /homedir
  • /home
  • /usr
  • /tmp

18. Which directory is used to store the kernel?

  • /kernel
  • /etc
  • /boot
  • /

19. Which directory is used to store temporary files?

  • /temp
  • /tmp
  • /etc
  • /

20. Which directory is used to store essential libraries?

  • /usr
  • /bin
  • /var
  • /lib

21. Which directory is used to store configuration files specific to the host?

  • /etc
  • /
  • /boot
  • /var

22. Which directory is used for the home directory of the root user?

  • /var
  • /
  • /root
  • /home/root

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