Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 10 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. This stream is the output of a command operating normally:

  • stdout
  • stderr
  • stdin
  • stdnorm

2. Many commands that read text files will also read from this stream:

  • pipe
  • stdin
  • redirect
  • input

3. If you want to overwrite a file by redirecting the output of a command, you can use:

  • &
  • >
  • }
  • |

4. To redirect the errors that are output by a command, you can use:

  • @
  • 2>
  • 2@
  • 2&

5. Two or more commands combined with the “|” between them form a:

  • convoy
  • caravan
  • command line
  • pipeline

6. Which two symbols can effectively redirect stdin to a command? (choose two)

  • >
  • !
  • |
  • <

7. If you want to append a file with the normal output of a command, you can use:

  • 2>>
  • >
  • >>
  • 1>

8. To send the normal and error output of a command to a single file, you can use:

  • 2>
  • >
  • 1>
  • &>

9. Which of the following commands will take the standard output of the ls and put it into the /tmp/output.txt file:

  • ls 2 | /tmp/output
  • ls 2> /tmp/output.txt
  • ls > /tmp/output.txt
  • ls | /tmp/output.txt

10. Which of the following commands will take the standard error of the ls command and put it into the /tmp/output.txt file:

  • ls 2> /tmp/output.txt
  • ls | /tmp/output.txt
  • ls 2 | /tmp/output
  • ls > /tmp/output.txt

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2 years ago

Thank you for all. In my first attempt, i get 60 per cent so i came here to take the correct answer.