Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 11 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. To execute a command called “simple” as a foreground process, you would type:

  • fg simple
  • simple &
  • foreground simple
  • simple

2. The key press combination that will request a process to stop is:

  • CTRL+z
  • CTRL+p
  • CTRL+c
  • CTRL+d

3. The key press combination that will request a running process terminate:

  • CTRL+z
  • CTRL+d
  • CTRL+p
  • CTRL+c

4. The main advantage of running a process in the background is:

  • The process will automatically run at a low priority
  • You can be assured that the process will not terminate early
  • The process will be logged
  • You can continue to use the shell that started the process

5. To see the list of background processes that you have started in your shell, you can run:

  • process
  • jobs
  • work
  • list

6. Using the kill command always terminates processes.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

7. To view all processes on the system, you can execute:

  • ps –all
  • ps
  • ps -f
  • ps -e

8. In order to run a command called “tough” in the background, you would type:

  • start -b tough
  • tough&
  • tough@
  • bg tough

9. If you want a background process to keep running after log out, you can use:

  • nokill
  • nohup
  • nofg
  • bg

10. A popular program for monitoring running processes in real-time is:

  • watcher
  • mon
  • top
  • ghost

11. To view statistics on memory availability, you can use:

  • mem
  • stat
  • free
  • uname

12. To send a signal to a set of processes with the same name, you can run:

  • killall
  • grpkill
  • allkill
  • sigkill

13. The uptime command prints a statistic representing the system load over what three time spans? (choose three)

  • Last thirty minutes
  • Last minute
  • Last five minutes
  • Last ten minutes
  • Last fifteen minutes
  • Last hour

14. What command can be used as a prefix to another command to run it at an altered priority?

  • low
  • chpr
  • nice
  • pri

15. What command can be used to alter the priority of a running process?

  • repri
  • renice
  • relow
  • chpr

16. Placing an __ character at the end of the command line will put the command in the background.

  • !
  • &
  • B
  • ?

17. A signal is:

  • A technique to tell a process to take some sort of action
  • A command option
  • A technique to send data to a process
  • A command argument

18. Which of the following is not a valid way to send the “force kill” signal to a process?

  • kill -KILL PID
  • kill -SIGKILL PID
  • kill -9 PID
  • kill -FORCE PID

19. Which of the following commands will stop all processes owned by the user bob? (choose two)

  • killall -u bob
  • pkill -u bob
  • kill -u bob
  • kill -l

20. To execute a command with the lowest possible priority, which value do you pass to the nice command?

  • 0
  • 20
  • -20
  • 19

21. To execute a command with the highest possible priority, which value do you pass to the nice command?

  • -20
  • 19
  • 0
  • 20

22. To execute a command with the default priority, which value do you pass to the nice command?

  • -20
  • 20
  • 19
  • 0

23. The _____ command will list the commands that are running in your terminal.

  • list
  • ps
  • proc
  • ls

24. To change the niceness value of an existing process, you can use the _____ command.

  • renice
  • set
  • reset
  • nice

25. To see how long the system has been running, you can use the _____ command.

  • free
  • nice
  • uptime
  • ps

26. To send a paused process to the background, use the _____ command.

  • fg
  • ps
  • bg
  • jobs

27. To set a priority value lower than 0, you must log in as which user?

  • Any user account
  • No user can specify a priority lower than 0
  • The root use
  • The adm user

28. To view system memory usage, you can use the _____ command.

  • uptime
  • nice
  • free
  • ps

29. What character do you place between commands to execute multiple commands on a single command line?

  • &
  • :
  • ~

30. What option to the kill command will list the signals for the system?

  • -9
  • -list
  • -l
  • -r

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