Introduction to Linux II – Chapter 13 Exam Answers 100% PDF file

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1. By mistake, a user sends a file to print on a remote printer. The best course of action is:

  • Stop printer service immediately
  • Ask the administrator to switch off the printer
  • Delete the document if the print document is still in the queue
  • Call up the remote location and have them reject the print job from the printer controls

2. A system administrator wants to make few changes to the CUPS server configuration. Changes should be made in which of the files?

  • classes.conf
  • cupsd.conf
  • snmp.conf
  • printers.conf

3. Refer to following section from the CUPS configuration file and identify the correct statement.

Order Allow,Deny
  • Only the allow statement is valid
  • Allow access to all hosts in the subdomain, but exclude those that are in the domain
  • Allow access to all hosts in the domain and subdomain
  • Allow access to all hosts in the domain, but exclude those that are in the subdomain

4. The /etc/cups/printers.conf file contains three printer entries. What should Joe do so that everyone uses the HP1600 printer by default?

  • Delete DeviceURI for all other printers
  • Specify the DefaultPrinter directive for the HP1600 printer
  • Remove all other printer entries except for the HP1600 printer
  • Set HP1600 as the local printer

5. The /etc/cups/classes.conf file is used by the cupsd daemon for:

  • Storing the class of the default printer
  • Storing the list of available local printer classes
  • Counting the maximum number of client connections
  • Sharing printers

6. CUPS can only be administered by:

  • Remote Printers
  • Root User and members of the group specified in the SystemGroup directive
  • Depends on Allow, Deny directives
  • No administration options are available

7. What is the outcome of running the command lpadmin –d lpicprinter?

  • Printer lpicprinter becomes the default printer
  • Deletes printer lpicprinter
  • Enables printer lpicprinter
  • Printer lpicprinter is added

8. Which of the following statements regarding cupsd is FALSE?

  • Uses other processes for printing, monitoring and providing web interfaces
  • By default it runs as a daemon
  • Implements IPP operations and attributes
  • Runs as multi-threaded server process

9. A system administrator needs to find out the number of copies of a confidential document printed by a particular user. Which of the following log files should he view for the information?

  • cupsd.conf
  • access_log
  • error_log
  • page_log

10. Identify the correct command to view the status of all printers:

  • lpq –a
  • lpr
  • lpq
  • lpq –P hpfloor1

11. CUPS stands for:

  • Common UNIX Printing System
  • Common User Printing System
  • Co-managed UNIX Printing System
  • Current User Printing System

12. CUPS retains the print job in the queue even after it is printed.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

13. Which of the following changes is NOT possible by modifying various settings in the CUPS configuration file?

  • Allow access from the specified host
  • Port to listen for printer information packets
  • Maximum number of copies that a user can print per job
  • Maximum number of printers that can be configured

14. While the printer testprinter was printing a job and had several others in the queue, Joe runs the command lpadmin –x testprinter. The effect of the command is:

  • All choices are valid
  • Printer testprinter gets deleted
  • All pending jobs in the queue are deleted
  • Current job is aborted

15. Which of the following options when used with cupsd ensures that cpusd runs as a foreground process detached from the controlling terminal?

  • –F
  • –c
  • –t
  • –f

16. Every print job stored in the /var/spool/cups directory has:

  • One control file and one or more data files
  • Multiple control and data files
  • One data file and one or more control files
  • One control file and one data file

17. Which of the following functions is NOT provided by the printer service?

  • Queuing the print jobs
  • Scheduling jobs for printing
  • Accepting print requests from multiple users
  • Economizing use of the printer cartridge

18. A printer’s status cannot be offline just because it has run out of paper.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

19. Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) is a network protocol that supports which of the following?

  • All confidentiality, authentication and access control
  • Access control only
  • Both authentication and access control
  • Authentication only

20. Which of the following statements about CUPS Print Queues is correct?

  • Works only for locally connected printers
  • Cannot be added using the lpadmin command
  • Supports another CUPS printer server on the network
  • Does not support Windows-based print servers

21. Use of which of the following options for the lpadmin command will enable the printer and make it ready to accept jobs?

  • –p
  • –d
  • –x
  • –E

22. A user reports to the system administrator that when printing a Japanese web page, he gets junk characters. Which of the following settings should the system administrator check in the CUPS configuration file?

  • BrowseAllow
  • BrowseLang
  • BrowsePort
  • DefaultLanguage

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