Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 12 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. Which archiving method is compatible across Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac operating systems?

  • cpio
  • dd
  • zip
  • tar

2. Which option to the zip command can be used to recursively compress multiple directories?

  • -r
  • -R
  • -l
  • -d

3. Which option to the zip command will list its files without uncompressing them?

  • -R
  • -l
  • -c
  • -F

4. The unzip command can be used without options to extract files from a zip archive.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

5. Which option to the gzip command can be used to retain the uncompressed files when creating an archive?

  • -R
  • -F
  • No option needed, gzip does this by default
  • -c

6. Which option to the unzip command can be used to estimate the size of an archive when it is decompressed?

  • -l
  • -c
  • -R
  • -F

7. It is not possible to recursively compress files within directories with gzip.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

8. To decompress the archive example.gz, use the following command:

  • gunzip example.gz
  • gunzip -x example.gz
  • gzip -u example.gz
  • gzip -x example.gz

9. gzip and bzip are aliases for the same utility.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

10. bzip2 archives are typically indicated with which file extension?

  • .bz
  • .bz2
  • .b2
  • .gz

11. Which option to the bzip2 command can be used to report the compression ratio of an archive?

  • -l
  • -R
  • -v
  • -c

12. Which option to the bzip2 command can be used for recursive compression?

  • -v
  • bzip2 doesn’t support recursive compression
  • -c
  • -R

13. gzip and bzip2 use the same compression algorithm.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

14. Which of the following functions is not a primary use of the tar command:

  • Extract archives
  • View archives
  • Create archives
  • Repair corrupted archives

15. The tar command supports which of the following styles of option(s)? (choose three)

  • DOS
  • GNU
  • BSD
  • Unix

16. The tar command supports:

  • gzip compression only
  • bzip compression only
  • Both gzip and bzip2 compression
  • only uncompressed archives

17. Which of the following commands could be used to extract the archive, example.tar?

  • tar -uz example.tar
  • tar -xz example.tar
  • tar -xf example.tar
  • tar -uf example.tar

18. By default, tar will attempt to extract an archive…

  • into the working directory.
  • to the specified directory.
  • into the archive’s parent directory.
  • into the user’s home directory.

19. The cpio command has four modes of operation.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

20. Which of the following options puts the cpio command in copy-out mode?

  • -v
  • -u
  • -o
  • -i

21. Which of the following options puts the cpio command into copy-in mode?

  • -i
  • -u
  • -o
  • -v

22. Which of the following options allows the cpio command to overwrite existing files?

  • -u
  • -v
  • -o
  • -i

23. The cpio command will preserve metadata when copying files.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

24. When copying entire devices using the dd command, you must specify:

  • block size and count only
  • input file and output file only
  • input file, output file, and block count
  • input file, output file, block size and count

25. The dd command can be used to create iso files.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

26. The dd command can be used to create large files the can be used as swap files.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

27. The dd command can be used to copy entire partitions.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

28. Which of the following is not a valid argument for the dd command?

  • count
  • in
  • if
  • bs
  • of

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