Introduction to Linux II – Chapter 16 Exam Answers 100% PDF file

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1. One of the NICs on the server corresponding to eth1 has a hardware issue and needs to be removed. It is NOT necessary to restart the network service for this.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

2. Which command is used to restart the network service on Red Hat systems?

  • /etc/init.d/network resume
  • /etc/init.d/rc.d/network restart
  • /etc/network/interfaces restart
  • /etc/init.d/network restart

3. The network interface disabled using the ifdown command will remain disabled after the system restarts.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

4. Which command is used to view the kernel’s routing table?

  • route –l
  • route –L
  • route –N
  • route –n

5. A new default gateway has been added using the route add command. Which command can be used to verify if the route has been added correctly?

  • route --show
  • traceroute –n
  • route –n
  • ping –n

6. The kernel’s routing table can be viewed using the commands ______.

  • netstat and route
  • netstat and traceroute
  • netstat and ifconfig
  • route and ifconfig

7. You just finished installing a new NIC and its driver, which command can you use to verify the interface details?

  • netconfig
  • ping
  • netstat
  • ifconfig

8. You have an existing interface eth0 and have now added a new interface eth1. You notice that the count of RX and TX packets is 0 in the output of ifconfig. What does this indicate?

  • The eth0 interface has priority over the eth1 interface
  • The eth1 interface is not being used to route network traffic
  • The eth1 interface has not been assigned a MAC address
  • The eth1 interface has not been configured on the system

9. One of the probable reasons for an increased TX collisions count in the output of ifconfig could be _____.

  • Incorrect subnet mask
  • Multiple network interfaces
  • Incorrect Gateway
  • Network congestion

10. Which command is used to keep track of suspicious connections?

  • traceroute
  • ping
  • netstat
  • ifconfig

11. If you are trying to login to a server and are unable to connect, which command would you use to verify network connectivity?

  • ping
  • dig
  • traceroute
  • ifconfig

12. Which command’s output will include the ICMP sequence number field?

  • traceroute
  • route
  • ping
  • ifconfig

13. Which of the following is not a probable reason for the Host unreachable error?

  • Network service on host machine not started
  • Incorrect route configured for the default gateway
  • Incorrect netmask used for the default gateway
  • Incorrect username/password used for login

14. The netstat command can be run continuously in batch mode.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

15. Which command can be used to find the ports that are listening for connections on a host?

  • netstat –a
  • netstat –l
  • netstat –s
  • netstat –z

16. You notice that the round trip time to a particular host is slowly increasing. Which command’s output has given you this information?

  • route
  • ping –Q
  • netstat
  • ping

17. You log in to a server using telnet and bring down the eth0 interface (the only configured interface) using the ifdown command. What is the result of executing ifdown?

  • An error will be displayed that the eth0 interface cannot be disabled
  • The eth0 interface will be disabled with a warning
  • The eth0 interface will be disabled and the telnet session will continue
  • The eth0 interface will be disabled and the telnet session will be terminated

18. The Linux system assigns a default IP address to a newly installed NIC.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

19. Which of the following is not a function of the netstat command?

  • View the kernel’s routing tables
  • View port information
  • View interface statistics
  • View the route used by packets to reach a given destination

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1 month ago

Question. You want to switch the NIC cards of two servers currently in use. Which command will be used to disable the interfaces for this activity?

Multiple Choice.
• route down
• ip down
• ifdown
• nicdown