1. Error messages generated by commands are sent where by default?
- Log files
2. A successful command will print output to STDOUT.True or False?
- True
- False
3. Which of the following commands will direct error messages to the file, error.log? (choose one)
- ls /root >> error.log
- ls /root 2> error.log
- ls /root $> error.log
- ls /root > error.log
4. A pipe allows you to…
- …send the same input to multiple commands.
- …type multiple commands at one prompt.
- …send the output of one command to another.
- …send the output of a command to a file.
5. Channel 2 is:
6. Which of the following commands will append its output to output.file?
- echo Testing > output.file
- echo Testing >> output.file
- output.file < echo Testing
- echo Testing -> output.file
7. Which command(s) can be used to sort the lines of list.file alphabetically and display it on the screen? (choose two)
- sort < list.file
- cat list.file | sort
- cat list.file >> sort
- echo list.file > sort
8. Which option of the head command will display only the first five lines of a file?
- -l 5
- No option needed; head displays only five lines by default.
- -n
- -n 5
9. The grep command…
- …will display all the lines that begin with the specified Regular Expression.
- …is not case sensitive.
- …will display all the lines in a file containing the specified Regular Expression.
- …will display the line numbers in a file that contain a specified Regular Expression.
10. The grep command can be used with glob characters.True or False?
- True
- False
11. Which of the following commands will display only lines that begin with start?
- grep *start file.txt
- grep $start file.txt
- grep start file.txt
- grep ^start file.txt
12. Which of the following commands will display only lines that begin with test?
- grep ^test file.txt
- grep $test* file.txt
- grep *test file.txt
- grep &test file.txt
13. Which of the following commands will display lines that contain either start or end?
- egrep start end file.txt
- egrep ‘start|end’ file.txt
- egrep start&end file.txt
- egrep (start|end) file.txt
14. Which of the following commands can be used to scroll through a text file? (choose two)
- some
- less
- cat
- more
15. The find command can search for files based on the size of the file.True or False?
- True
- False
16. Which of the following commands scans the file to determine file locations?
- search
- locate
- where
- find
17. Which option for the cut command is used to specify a delimiter?
- -f
- -d
- =
- -D
18. Which option for the cut command is used to specify the field?
- -D
- -f
- -d
- #
19. Which option for the wc command will print the number of lines in a file?
- -l
- -w
- -C
- -L
20 .Which option for the wc command will print the total number of words in a file?
- -l
- -L
- -C
- -w
21. Which command can be used to print line numbers?
- num
- sort
- ln
- nl
22. The command echo “text” > file.txt will create file.txt if it does not already exist.True or False?
- True
- False
23. The command echo “text” > file.txt will not overwrite file.txt if it already exists.True or False?
- True
- False
24. The command echo “text” >> file.txt will not overwrite file.txt if it already exists.True or False?
- True
- False