Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 02 Exam Answers

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Introduction to Linux I Chapter 02 Exam Answers

1. Which command is used in order to view the manual page for a topic?

  • show
  • man
  • help
  • doc

2. The command manual ls will provide detailed information about how the ls command functions.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

3. Which of the following man page sections will provide an example of how a command is executed?

  • The SYNOPSIS section
  • The DESCRIPTION section
  • The FILES section
  • The NAME section

4. The [ ] characters around day in the example cal [-smjy13] [[[day] month] year] means that day is:

  • An argument that must be “day” and nothing else
  • An option, not an argument
  • Required
  • Optional

5. The syntax [-u|–utc|–universal] means:

  • These three options are different
  • These three options mean the same thing
  • These are required options
  • This is invalid syntax

6. The command man 5 passwd will:

  • Display the man page of Section 5 for passwd.
  • Print the first five man pages that refer to the term passwd.
  • Not work; you can’t give a numeric argument to the man command.
  • Display the first five lines of the man page for the passwd command.

7. To see a list of commands that are available while viewing a man page, you can type the __ character.

  • w
  • h
  • g
  • c

8. To search for something while viewing a man page, you first type a __ character.

  • >
  • |
  • <

9. Special file man pages are typically located in section ____.

  • 3
  • 4
  • 1
  • 2

10. System Administration man pages are typically located in section ___.

  • 8
  • 6
  • 7
  • 9

11. Shell command man pages are typically located in section ___.

  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 2

12. To display your current location within the filesystem, you can type:

  • whereami
  • cwd
  • pwd
  • dir

13. The _____ command displays information about the Linux kernel:

  • real
  • uname
  • linux
  • kern

14. Which of the following are valid command lines? (choose two)

  • ls -l /etc
  • ls /etc -l
  • -l ls /etc
  • ls -/etc

15. You want to execute the ls command with two options: -r and -l. Which of the following are valid ways to run this command: (choose three)

  • ls -l -r
  • rl ls
  • ls -rl
  • ls rl
  • ls -r -l
  • ls –r –l

16. The _____ option to the uname command will display the kernel name.

  • -s
  • -x
  • -k
  • -n

17. A pair of single quotes ‘ will prevent the shell from interpreting any special character.

  • True
  • False

18. Which command will send text to the terminal display:

  • print
  • show
  • echo
  • type

19. Which two characters do you use to tell the command that you are finished providing options and that the remaining data on the command line is arguments?

  • &&
  • **
  • ||

20. You can pass arguments to long options by using which of the following techniques: (choose two)

  • –option{argument}
  • –option=argument
  • –option~argument
  • –option argument

21. Long command options are preceded by which two characters?

  • **
  • &&
  • ||
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2 years ago

A command can take the form of:
(choose three)
A block
A variable
A function
An alias
A configuration file
A program built-in to the shell

3 years ago

To display your current location within the filesystem, you can type:

The correct answer is: pwd

The _____ command displays information about the Linux kernel:

The correct answer is: uname

Which of the following are valid command lines?
(choose two)
ls -l /etc
ls /etc -l
-l ls /etc
ls -/etc

The correct answers are:
ls -l /etc
ls /etc -l

You want to execute the ls command with two options: -r and -l. Which of the following are valid ways to run this command:
(choose three)
ls -l -r
rl ls
ls -rl
ls rl
ls -r -l
ls –r –l

The correct answers are:
ls -l -r
ls -rl
ls -r -l

The _____ option to the uname command will display the kernel name.

The correct answer is: -s

A pair of single quotes ‘ will prevent the shell from interpreting any special character.
True or False?

The correct answer is: True

Which command will send text to the terminal display:

The correct answer is: echo

Which two characters do you use to tell the command that you are finished providing options and that the remaining data on the command line is arguments?


The correct answer is: —

You can pass arguments to long options by using which of the following techniques:
(choose two)
–option argument

The correct answers are:
–option argument

Long command options are preceded by which two characters?


The correct answer is: —

IT Administrator
IT Administrator
3 years ago
Reply to  ALinuxNovice

Thanks for your sharing!