Introduction to Linux II – Chapter 01 Exam Answers 100% PDF file

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1. Which of the following is a valid variable assignment?

  • 2=xyz
  • APP_VAR=’zero’
  • alpha-init=5
  • MY VAR= “set to one”

2. Shell variables are case insensitive.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

3. Which of the following is NOT a valid variable name?

  • _LPIC
  • VAR_1
  • 2_VAR

4. A new environment variable can be “exported” and assigned a value with a single command.True or False?

  • True
  • False

5. Which of the following is NOT a valid command for variable declaration?

  • typeset –x ENV_VAR=1
  • export ENV_VAR=1
  • newvar –x ENV_VAR=1
  • declare –x ENV_VAR=1

6. The ___________ command is used to display the value of a specific variable.

  • value
  • var
  • echo
  • set

7. Which command can be used to display both local and environment variables?

  • export –p
  • declare –x
  • set
  • env

8. A variable once declared cannot be deleted.True or False?

  • True
  • False

9. Which command can be used to delete a variable?

  • rmvar
  • set -r
  • unset
  • declare

10. PATH variable directories are searched __________ when executing a command.

  • Left to right
  • Right to left
  • In no particular order
  • Including only the first 256 characters

11. Which of the following is NOT a valid option for executing a command that is not in the directories listed in the PATH variable?

  • By typing the absolute or relative path to the command
  • Rename the command and its directory
  • Add the directory containing the command to the PATH variable
  • Copy the command to a directory listed in the PATH

12. The command PATH=$PATH:/home/John does the following:

  • Creates a new PATH variable with only the /home/John directory as the value
  • Does nothing, because anything after the : is discarded
  • Appends the directory /home/John to the existing PATH variable
  • Replaces the existing directories in the PATH with the /home/John directory

13. Consider the following value of PATH variable: /bin:/usr/local/sbin:/home/joe/bin:/home/joe/test Joe modifies the script, which is stored in the directory /home/joe/bin then places a copy of in /home/joe/test. Executing will:

  • Run the original version of the script in the /home/joe/bin directory
  • Check the timestamp and run the latest version of
  • Not run at all, reports error
  • Run the new version of the script placed in /home/joe/test

14. The ___________ command can be used to check if the command already exists.

  • type
  • ex
  • check
  • command

15. Which of the following switches will include the full path in the prompt?

  • \W
  • \e
  • \H
  • \w

16. Defining the PS1 variable in an initialization file will make changes to the prompt persistent between logins.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

17. If the command HISTIGNORE=’ls*’ is placed in the ~/.bash_profile file, which of the following commands would not be placed in the history list?

  • history
  • ls –la
  • cd
  • cat

18. Which of the following is NOT a purpose for creating an alias?

  • To create a short nickname for a long command or series of commands
  • To create “DOS-like” commands
  • To make them run faster
  • To include a command option by default

19. The command to remove an existing alias from the current shell is:

  • alias –d
  • unalias
  • unset alias
  • rmalias

20. The best way to group multiple commands and pass arguments is to:

  • Create an alias
  • Concatenate them
  • Use functions
  • Create an initialization file

21. A function accepts 3 arguments as input. The third argument of a function is identified as:

  • $arg3
  • $PATH
  • $3
  • $1

22. Changes in the __________ initialization file will affect all the users on the system.

  • Global
  • Local
  • Network
  • Shell

23. Local initialization files, by default, are stored in which directory?

  • /etc
  • User’s home directory
  • /usr
  • /bin

24. A Login BASH shell executes which of the following additional files (compared to an interactive BASH shell)?

  • /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc
  • /etc/profile and ~/.bashrc
  • /etc/profile and either ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile
  • ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc

25. Administrators use the __________ file to create key environment variables and set key system values for every user.

  • /etc/bashrc
  • /etc/profile
  • /etc/config
  • .profile

26. Sourcing is an effective way to test initialization file changes. Which of the following is used to source a file?

  • touch command
  • ~ character
  • Either . character or the source command
  • None of the above

27. Which script is executed when you exit the shell?

  • /etc/bashrc
  • ~/.bash_profile
  • ~/.bashrc
  • ~/.bash_logout

28. Typical BASH exit scripts are found in ~/.bash_logout and __________ files.

  • /etc/bash_logout
  • ~/.bash_profile
  • /etc/bashrc
  • /etc/profile

29. Most of the Linux commands used by regular users can be found in which directory?

  • ~/bin
  • /usr/bin
  • /usr/local/sbin
  • /sbin

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