Linux Essentials – Chapter 07 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. Compression on a file works by:

  • Removing redundant information
  • Eliminating gaps within the file
  • Storing most of the data on removable media and just leaving a pointer
  • Consolidating multiple files into one
  • Removing the high order bit from each byte

2. In general, for which of the following would you want to use lossless compression?

  • A log file
  • A movie
  • A JPEG image
  • An mp3 audio file
  • An encrypted email

3. Lossy compression: (choose three)

  • Decompresses to an identical version as the original
  • Is often used with documents
  • Is often used with images
  • Usually results better compression than lossless
  • Sacrifices some quality

4. You type gzip myfile.tar. What happens? (choose two)

  • myfile.tar is removed
  • myfile.tar.gz holds a compressed version of myfile.tar
  • An error; you forgot to specify the file with –f
  • myfile.tar is unarchived into the current directory
  • An error; you forgot to pass the name of the output file

5. How would you obtain output similar to the following?
compressed​​     ​​​uncompressed     ratio        uncompressed_name
278168                1016950                  72.6%           tags

  • gunzip –t tags
  • file tags
  • gzip –l tags

6. Which command would you use to archive the Documents directory and compress it with bzip2 compression?

  • tar –czf documents.tbz Documents
  • tar –cjf Documents
  • tar –fzc Documents documents.tbz
  • tar –cjf documents.tbz Documents
  • tar –cf Documents documents.tbz

7. Which flag would you pass to tar in order to have it make a new archive?

  • –t
  • -c
  • –j
  • -x
  • –n

8. Which command will show what is inside the compressed tarball with a name of foo.tar.gz?

  • tar –tjf foo.tar.gz
  • tar –tzf foo.tar.gz
  • tar –lf foo.tar.gz
  • tar –xf foo.tar.gz
  • tar –tf foo.tar.gz

9. In the command tar –cvjf foo.tbz a b c, what are a, b, and c?

  • File names to be added to the archive
  • Matching operators; anything starting with a, b, or c will be added
  • a is the directory that will be prepended to files; b and c are files inside it
  • Extra flags passed to tar
  • Nothing; -cvjf only expects one parameter

10. Given the command tar –cvjf homedirs.tbz /home, which of the following are true? (choose two)

  • The /home directory will be restored with the contents of homedirs.tbz
  • Only files starting with /home will be extracted from the archive
  • The command will print out each filename as it is processed
  • Files that are present in the archive might overwrite files in /home
  • The output file will be compressed

11. You archived your users’ directories into a file called backup.tar.gz. You then view the archive and see the filenames follow this convention:

How will you extract just the files for the user called fred?

  • tar –tzf /home/fred < backup.tar.gz
  • tar –tjf backup.tar.gz /home/fred
  • tar –xjf backup.tar.gz home/fred/
  • tar –xzf backup.tar.gz home/fred/
  • tar –xzf backup.tar.gz fred

12. Which of the following commands will create a zipfile with the contents of your Documents directory?

  • zip –cf Documents
  • zip –c Documents
  • zip -r Documents
  • zip Documents
  • zip –f Documents

13. Given a file called, how can you see what’s in it without extracting the files?

  • showzip
  • zip –lf
  • zip –l
  • unzip –list
  • unzip –l

14. Given a file called, how can you extract just the files under ProjectX?

  • zip –x ProjectX
  • unzip | grep ProjectX
  • unzip –t ProjectX
  • unzip ProjectX
  • unzip ProjectX/

15. You try to compress a file that is already compressed. Which of the following statements is true?

  • The file will not be compressed any further than it already was
  • The compression algorithm needs to be set to the “currently compressed” mode for it to be compressed further
  • The file will actually be uncompressed
  • The file will be deleted
  • The file changed while you were compressing it

16. Which of the following commands can be used to compress a file? (choose three)

  • bunzip2
  • bzip2
  • gzip
  • cat
  • zip

17. The three main modes of tar are: (choose three)

  • Copy
  • List
  • Compress
  • Create
  • Extract

18. In the command tar –czf foo.tar.gz bar, what is the purpose of the f flag?

  • Tells tar to read from the file that follows the flag
  • Tells tar to print the name of each file as it is processed
  • Tells tar to copy only files, and not directories
  • Specifies extra compression is to be used
  • Tells tar to write to the file that follows the flag

19. Which two commands do the same thing? (choose two)

  • tar –czf foo.tar.gz foo*
  • tar –c foo | gzip > foo.tar.gz*
  • tar –xzf foo.tar.gz
  • tar –x foo | gzip
  • tar –tzf foo.tar.gz

20. The _____ command is normally executed daily to update the database of all files that are on the system.

  • updatedb
  • search
  • locate
  • find

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4 years ago

The exam 7 link is wrong. can you check it please. It is the exam 6 link.

IT Administrator
IT Administrator
4 years ago
Reply to  vjpagos

I have checked, this is link exam chapter 7, it still valid