Introduction to Linux I – Midterm Exam Answers 100% PDF file (Modules 1 – 14)

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1. Which command is used in order to view the manual page for a topic?

  • help
  • doc
  • show
  • man *

2. The basic form of a command line is:

  • command [options…] [arguments…] *
  • command [arguments…] options
  • command arguments options
  • command [options…] arguments…

3. A command can be: (choose three)

  • A block
  • A function *
  • A program built-in to the shell *
  • An alias *
  • A configuration file
  • A variable

4. Which of the following man page sections will provide an example of how a command is executed?

  • The DESCRIPTION section
  • The NAME section
  • The FILES section
  • The SYNOPSIS section *

5. The command man 5 passwd will:

  • Display the first five lines of the man page for the passwd command.
  • Not work; you can’t give a numeric argument to the man command.
  • Print the first five man pages that refer to the term passwd.
  • Display the man page of Section 5 for passwd. *

6. Which character(s) cannot be placed in variable names?

  • Hyphen (“-“) character *
  • Numeric characters
  • Underscore (“_”) character
  • Upper-case alpha characters
  • Lower-case alpha characters

7. Shell variables are used to:

  • Reboot the system
  • Prevent users from logging in
  • Hide passwords
  • Hold critical system information *

8. Local variables are:

  • Only available to the shell they are created in *
  • Passed into other shells and commands
  • Are not a valid type of variable
  • Not used by shells at all

9. Environment variables cannot be declared by which command?

  • export
  • declare
  • set *
  • typeset

10. The /usr/local/bin directory contains:

  • Essential administrative commands
  • Nothing; it is not a valid directory
  • The most fundamental commands that are essential for the operating system to function
  • Commands that have been compiled from local sources *

11. The key press combination that will request a running process terminate:

  • CTRL+c *
  • CTRL+d
  • CTRL+z
  • CTRL+p

12. A popular program for monitoring running processes in real-time is:

  • watcher
  • mon
  • ghost
  • top *

13. To send a signal to a set of processes with the same name, you can run:

  • killall *
  • sigkill
  • allkill
  • grpkill

14. Which of the following commands will stop all processes owned by the user bob? (choose two)

  • kill -u bob
  • pkill -u bob *
  • kill -l
  • killall -u bob *

15. The range defined inside of square brackets is based on the:

  • ASCII text table *
  • Invalid question as ranges are not permitted
  • ANSI text table
  • Standard text table

16. You can combine glob characters in a single pattern, for example: a??*[0-9].True or False?

  • True *
  • False

17. The ls command can list the contents of only one directory at a time.True or False?

  • True
  • False *

18. To perform a “long listing” to show file details, use which of the following commands:

  • ls -L
  • ls -D
  • ll
  • ls -l *

19. The mv command can be used to move more than one file at a time.True or False?

  • True *
  • False

20. Which option(s) for the rm command can be used to delete directories that contain files? (choose two)

  • -r *
  • -R *
  • -D
  • -A

21. Which character at the beginning of a long listing indicates a regular file?

  • c
  • d
  • l

22. To decompress the archive example.gz, use the following command:

  • gunzip -x example.gz
  • gunzip example.gz *
  • gzip -x example.gz
  • gzip -u example.gz

23. By default, tar will attempt to extract an archive…

  • to the specified directory.
  • into the working directory. *
  • into the user’s home directory.
  • into the archive’s parent directory.

24. Which of the following options puts the cpio command into copy-in mode?

  • -o
  • -u
  • -v
  • -i *

25. The dd command can be used to create large files the can be used as swap files.True or False?

  • True *
  • False

26. Which of the following is not a valid argument for the dd command?

  • if
  • count
  • in *
  • bs
  • of

27. Which of the following are advantages of using the locate command?

  • It can search by file attribute types
  • It pages the results
  • Its results are always the most up to date
  • It is quicker than the find command *

28. Many commands that read text files will also read from this stream:

  • redirect
  • stdin *
  • pipe
  • input

29. If you want to overwrite a file by redirecting the output of a command, you can use:

  • &
  • }
  • >
  • |

30. To redirect the errors that are output by a command, you can use:

  • 2@
  • 2&
  • 2> *
  • @

31. Which two symbols can effectively redirect stdin to a command? (choose two)

  • <
  • >
  • |
  • !

32. To send the normal and error output of a command to a single file, you can use:

  • 2>
  • >
  • 1>
  • &> *

33. The head -n -1 readme.txt command will:

  • Display all but the last line of readme.txt *
  • Number the lines of readme.txt
  • Show the first character of every line of readme.txt
  • Display the first line of readme.txt

34. Why would you press CTRL+C when executing tail?

  • To capture the output into a file
  • To stop tail from following a file *
  • To complete the processing of a file
  • To get tail to copy the text it is outputting

35. Which command merges two files like related tables in a database?

  • sql
  • join *
  • query
  • paste

36. Which command will remove consecutive duplicate lines from a file?

  • unique
  • uniq *
  • dup
  • dedup

37. The _____ command provides many options for formatting a file for printing.

  • pr *
  • format
  • header
  • print

38. Which regular expression character matches zero or more of the previous character?

  • .
  • +
  • *
  • ?

39. Which of the following regular expression characters is an extended regular expression character?

  • +
  • .
  • *
  • $

40. The regular expression a* is equivalent to:

  • a{0,1}
  • a{1,}
  • a{1}
  • a{0,} *

41. To use regular expression characters to match themselves, you cannot:

  • Use the fgrep command
  • Put the character in the square brackets
  • Use the slash in front of the character *
  • Use the backslash in front of the character

42. What is NOT a purpose of using parentheses around parts of a regular expression?

  • They can be used to change the order that the pattern is evaluating *
  • They can be used to refer back to what was matched
  • They can be used to make alternation more efficient
  • They can be used to group characters for repetition

43. To navigate to the end of the line in vi command mode, you can press:

  • ^
  • *
  • $
  • #

44. To search forward from your cursor in your vi document in command mode, you can type __ followed by the pattern to search for.

  • |
  • /
  • ?

45. If you are in vi command mode and want to begin inserting text at the end of the line, you can type:

  • I
  • o
  • A *
  • O

46. If you want to move a character to the right in vi command mode, you can press the right arrow key or:

  • j
  • k
  • h
  • l *

47. If you want to move up a line in vi command mode, you can press the up arrow key or:

  • l
  • k *
  • h
  • j

48. Which permission is necessary on a directory in order for a user to use the cd command to change that directory?

  • Execute *
  • None
  • Write
  • Read

49. The setuid permission on a file:

  • Causes the file to run under the user’s identity
  • Causes the file to run under the owner’s identity *
  • Causes the file to never run as root
  • Causes the file to always run as root

50. The command, chmod 1777 /data will:

  • Make the /data directory a setgid directory
  • Make the /data directory a sticky bit directory *
  • Make the /data directory a setuid directory
  • Remove all special permissions

51. The command, chmod 2777 /data will:

  • Remove all special permissions
  • Make the /data directory a setuid directory
  • Make the /data directory a sticky bit directory
  • Make the /data directory a setgid directory *

52. Which are valid link types in Linux? (choose two)

  • Soft links *
  • Stable links
  • Hard links *
  • Filesystem links

53. Which is true about hard links?

  • They can only be created by the root user
  • They share inodes *
  • They are created with the ln -s command
  • They can be made to directories

54. Which value represents the inode number in the following output of the ls -li command: 87589 -rw-r–r–. 2 root root 83 Mar 4 22:45 myhosts

  • 87589 *
  • 22:45
  • 2
  • 83

55. The FHS sets which standard?

  • Which services should be installed
  • Which partitions should be created
  • Which directories should be used to hold specific files *
  • Which filesystem types should be used

56. The location of users’ default shells is stored in the ______ file.

  • /etc/group
  • /etc/gshadow
  • /etc/passwd *
  • /etc/shadow

57. Long command options are preceded by which two characters?

  • **
  • ||
  • &&

58. Which two characters do you use to tell the command that you are finished providing options and that the remaining data on the command line is arguments?

  • **
  • ||
  • &&

59. To see a list of commands that are available while viewing a man page, you can type the __ character.

  • h *
  • g
  • c
  • w

60. System Administration man pages are typically located in section ___.

  • 6
  • 9
  • 8 *
  • 7

61. What option to the kill command will list the signals for the system?

  • -r
  • -9
  • -l *
  • -list

62. Which glob character matches “exactly one character”?

  • *
  • .
  • [
  • ?

63. Which glob character matches “zero or more characters”?

  • .
  • ?
  • [
  • *

64. Which two characters match “a single character from a set of specified characters”?

  • []
  • ??
  • ..
  • **

65. Which option to the find command will search by user owner?

  • -person
  • -user *
  • -owner
  • -uowner

66. Which type of link can be made to directories, hard or soft?

  • soft *
  • hard

67. Which type of link is easier to visually “see”, hard or soft?

  • hard
  • soft *

68. Which type of link is indistinguishable by programs from regular files, hard or soft?

  • hard *
  • soft

69. Which directory is used to store temporary files?

  • /etc
  • /tmp *
  • /temp
  • /

70. Which directory is used for the home directory of the root user?

  • /home/root
  • /
  • /var
  • /root *

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