Linux Essentials – Chapter 14 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. UIDs 1-500 are usually reserved for what kind of users?

  • System accounts, such as server processes
  • Are not used for user accounts, but for group accounts
  • Log-in (human) users
  • Remote log-in accounts

2. If a user is deleted, the files and directories that the user owned…

  • …will show a UID as the owner, but not user name.
  • …will have no UID owner.
  • …are deleted as well.
  • …will have no user owner.

3. Which of the following options for the useradd command allows root to specify the UID to be associated with the account?

  • -U
  • -u
  • -G
  • -g

4. Which of the following options for the useradd command allows root to specify supplementary groups the user will be a member of?

  • -G
  • -u
  • U
  • -g

5. On a system that does not use UPG, the useradd command will also create a user group. For example, user bob, group bob. True or False?

  • True
  • False

6. The useradd command will create a home directory by default for a user. True or False?

  • True
  • False

7. The usermod command can be used to do all of the following except…

  • …add a user to a supplementary group.
  • …change the user’s MAX and MIN password settings.
  • …change the user’s home directory.
  • …change the user’s UID and GID.

8. Which of the following commands will add the group extra to the user bob’s secondary groups in addition to bob’s current secondary groups?

  • usermod -G extra bob
  • usermod -a extra bob
  • usermod -aG extra bob
  • usermod -ag bob extra

9. Which option for the usermod command can be used to specify a user’s group ID (either primary or secondary)? (choose two)

  • -g
  • -G
  • -s
  • -S

10. For non-root users, the passwd command can only be used to change the password of the user running the command. True or False?

  • True
  • False

11. The userdel command will…

  • …delete the user account, but leave the user’s files by default.
  • …will prompt before deleting each file owned by a user.
  • …automatically delete a user and the user’s home directory and its contents.
  • …automatically delete a user and all the files owned by that user.

12. The groupmod command can be used to change a group name. True or False?

  • True
  • False

13. The groupmod command can be used to change a group GID. True or False?

  • True
  • False

14. The groupmod command can be used to add users to a group. True or False?

  • True
  • False

15. Which of the following commands can be used to modify a group?

  • groupadd
  • modgroup
  • addgroup
  • groupmod

16. Which command can be used to determine a user’s most recent log in?

  • last
  • history
  • shell
  • login

17. Which of the following files contains encrypted user password information?

  • /etc/usr
  • /etc/shadow
  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/group

18. Which of the following files contains user IDs?

  • /etc/group
  • /etc/shadow
  • /etc/usr
  • /etc/passwd

19. Which of the following files does the groupadd command use to determine the new GID when a GID isn’t specified?

  • /etc/shadow
  • /etc/group
  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/usr

20. Which of the following commands, run as root, will prevent the user bob from logging in?

  • usermod -d bob
  • usermod -l bob
  • usermod -D bob
  • usermod -L bob

21. What directory contains user’s home directories?

  • /
  • /home
  • /rootfs
  • /user

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