Introduction to Linux II – Chapter 10 Exam Answers 100% PDF file

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1. The system clock calculates time as number of seconds elapsed since:

  • 01-Jan-2000 00:00:00
  • 01-Jan-1980 00:00:00
  • The base time set at the time of installation
  • 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00

2. The reference time that the system time is calculated from is known as:

  • UTC
  • Epoch time
  • GMT
  • Base time

3. The system clock contains both time and time zone information.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

4. The battery-powered clock, which keeps time when the system is shut down, is known as the:

  • System clock
  • Battery time
  • Hardware clock
  • Base clock

5. When the system boots, the system clock is set using the value of the hardware clock.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

6. When the Linux computer was shut down, the system clock indicated 11:30:17. What will be the time of the hardware clock immediately after shutdown?

  • Varies from time zone to time zone
  • 11:30:17
  • Hardware clock will show UTC time
  • Local time

7. A software application that is dependent on both hardware and system clocks is failing. A possible reason could be:

  • Software license has expired
  • System clock and hardware clocks are out of sync
  • Time zone has changed
  • There are multiple rtc files under /dev

8. Which of the following commands will set the system time to the same time as the hardware clock?

  • hwclock –s
  • hwclock –set –date “current system time”
  • hwclock –w
  • hwclock –r

9. Amount of time the hardware clock gains or loses on a regular rate is known as:

  • Clock cycle change
  • Delta time
  • Clock gain
  • Clock drift

10. In the last six months, the administrator had to adjust the hardware clock on three different occasions. He can find information regarding past clock values from which file?

  • /etc/adjtime
  • /dev/rtc0
  • /dev/rtc1
  • /etc/localtime

11. The date command is used for:

  • Setting the system date and time
  • Assigning filenames with timestamps suffixed to them in scripts
  • Viewing current date and time
  • All choices are valid

12. The date command can show the time only in 0-23 hour format.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

13. NTP stands for:

  • Network Time Protocol
  • New Time Protocol
  • No Testing Parameter
  • New Time zone Parser

14. The reference time used by NTP is:

  • UTC
  • Local time on the primary server
  • GMT + 0.5
  • CMOS clock time

15. The precision provided by NTP is on the order of:

  • Tens of million seconds
  • 1 hour
  • 1 second
  • 1 millisecond

16. Instead of running ntpd as a daemon, the administrator wants to run it as a background process. Which of the following options should be used?

  • –c
  • –q
  • –n
  • –g

17. The /etc/ntp.conf file shows that NTP servers are being queried using iburst mode. This enables:

  • Sending a burst of three requests instead of one if the server is unreachable
  • Checking the closest server first
  • Speeding up of initial synchronization
  • Finding time even if the server is unreachable

18. Which of the following options, when used with the ntpd command, will perform a one time synchronization:

  • –g
  • –c
  • –N
  • –q

19. The /etc/ntp.conf file lists three servers for querying. Two of them return the time 10:54:23 while the third one shows a different time (i.e. 10:50:37). The system will use which of the return values?

  • It will use the time of the server that was queried first
  • It will use 10:54:23 since this is what the majority of servers indicate
  • It will use 10:50:37 if this is closer to the system’s current time
  • It will use an average of the time

20. Two NTP servers are used by ntpd; one runs Stratum-2 clock while the other uses Stratum-4. Which one is considered to be more accurate?

  • Stratum-4
  • It is impossible to tell by the Stratum number
  • Stratum-2
  • Both are equally accurate

21. To verify if a NTP server is available, which of the following commands should be executed?

  • ntpdate –q
  • ntpdate
  • ntpdate –t
  • ntpdate –p

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