Introduction to Linux II – Chapter 09 Exam Answers 100% PDF file

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1. Which of the following parameters is not referred by locale?

  • Character classification
  • Digital signatures
  • Numeric representation
  • Monetary symbols

2. For locally run programs, the locale information is provided by system variables.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

3. How is the locale set for web applications?

  • Obtained from the web browser
  • Obtained from the user’s environment variables
  • Obtained from the user’s .profile
  • Obtained from the web server

4. What is the format used for naming a locale definition file?

  • language[_countrycode][.codeset][@modifiers]
  • language[_territory][.codeset][@modifiers]
  • language[_region][.codeset][@modifiers]
  • language[.codeset][_territory][@modifiers]

5. Which of the following is not seen in the output of the locale command?


6. Which command is used to list all available locales on the system?

  • locale
  • locale -l
  • locale –A
  • locale –a

7. Setting which of the following environment variables will change the language and encoding for the current login session to French?

  • LANG=fr_FR.iso-8859-15 
  • LC_NAME=fr_FR.iso-8859-15
  • LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.iso-8859-15
  • LC_MESSAGES=fr_FR.iso-8859-15

8. Which file is used to set the user’s locale permanently?

  • ~/.forward
  • ~/.lang
  • ~/.profile
  • ~/.login

9. What is the behavior of setting C locale?

  • Strings are displayed as written in the initial code
  • Strings are always displayed in UTF-8
  • Strings are displayed as per the user’s LANG setting
  • Strings are translated and then displayed

10. Which environment variable is used to specify the directories for message translation catalogs?

  • PATH

11. Linux systems keep time in ____.

  • UTC
  • GMT
  • UST
  • IST

12. UTC is not subjected to daylight saving time.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

13. Which environment variable is used to find the time zone?

  • TZ
  • TIME

14. The /etc/localtime file is a flat file containing plain text that is used to configure the system wide time zone.True or False?

  • True
  • False

15. Which file is used to indicate the current time zone on Red Hat systems?

  • /etc/sysconfig/tz
  • /etc/sysconfig/time
  • /etc/sysconfig/time
  • /etc/sysconfig/clock

16. Which utility is used to determine the TZ variable’s value?

  • tzchange
  • tzselect
  • tzset
  • tzmod

17. Which command is used to verify time zone changes?

  • sysdate
  • nls
  • date
  • systime

18. Which of the following is not a function of the date command?

  • Displaying past dates
  • Reading date patterns from a file
  • Displaying Universal time
  • Sorting files by date

19. Character encoding is the process of maintaining the mapping between the character and its ______ value.

  • Internal
  • Mapped
  • Encoded
  • Decoded

20. Which command is used to find the current character mapping in Linux?

  • locale -C
  • locale –charmap
  • locale -c
  • locale charmap

21. Which characters are not supported by ASCII?

  • Punctuation symbols
  • Mathematical symbols
  • Numbers 0 – 9
  • English letters

22. ASCII is not a subset of UTF-8.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

23. Which of the following is NOT a capability of Unicode characters?

  • Supports mathematical and technical symbols
  • Can be used in file names
  • User applications can display Unicode files
  • Uses separate language packs for each language

24. What does UTF-8 mean?

  • UCS Technology Format
  • UCS Transfer Format
  • UCS Transcoding Format
  • UCS Transformation Format

25. UTF-8 is a fixed-width encoding scheme that can represent every character in the Unicode character set.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

26. How many bits character encoding is supported by ISO?

  • 32-bit
  • 8-bit
  • 16-bit
  • 4-bit

27. Which is the most commonly used character encoding for the Internet?

  • ISO
  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16

28. Which API is used for converting one character encoding to another?

  • fconv
  • pconv
  • iconv
  • rconv

29. Which can be used for converting an older ASCII encoded file to UTF-8 encoding?

  • locale
  • iconv
  • sed
  • awk

30. The ______ mapping method is supported by Unicode.

  • Universal Transformation Set (UTS)
  • Universal Locale Set (ULS)
  • Universal Formatting Set
  • Universal Character Set (UCS)

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