Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 24 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. Which of the following are mount options used for disk quotes? (choose two)

  • usrquota
  • groupquota
  • userquota
  • grpquota

2. In which file are mount options placed to support disk quotas?

  • /etc/mount
  • /etc/ftab
  • /etc/mtab
  • /etc/fstab

3. How can you use quotas to limit the number of files a user can create?

  • By setting an inode limit
  • By setting a stat limit
  • By setting an object limit
  • By setting a node limit

4. Which command produces a list of users of groups and their quota statistics?

  • warnquota
  • quotarpt
  • repquota
  • quota

5. If you want to enable or disable the enforcement of quotas, as administrator you can use _____ and _____. (choose two)

  • quotaon
  • quotauncheck
  • quotacheck
  • quotaoff

6. Which command is used to create or update the quota database files?

  • quotactl
  • quotadb
  • dbquota
  • quotacheck

7. To be able to modify a user’s quotas with a non-interactive command, you can use:

  • quota
  • edquota
  • setquota
  • sedquota

8. By default, the edquota command will use which editor?

  • gedit
  • joe
  • vi
  • emacs

9. To view an individual’s quota usage, an administrator can use:

  • quotactl
  • stat
  • quota
  • sedquota

10. With disk quotas you can limit: (choose two)

  • How many files a user can use in a filesystem
  • What permissions can be placed on files in a filesystem
  • What type of files a user can have in a filesystem
  • How much space a user can use in a filesystem

11. Which of the following filesystems are good choices to implement disk quotas: (choose two)

  • The /tmp filesystem
  • The /home filesystem
  • The /bin filesystem
  • The /usr filesystem

12. The first step to creating a disk quota is:

  • Edit the /etc/fstab file
  • Use the quotaon command
  • Reboot the system
  • Use the edquota command

13. When added to the /etc/fstab file, the userquota option will:

  • Allow for both user and group quotas in the filesystem
  • Result in an error message, since userquota is an invalid option
  • Allow for user quotas in filesystem
  • Allow for group quotas in the filesystem

14. Which command will remount the /data filesystem using the option from the /etc/fstab file?

  • mount -o remount /dev/sda1 /data
  • mount -o remount /data
  • mount -o mount /data

15. To create both user and group quota databases with the quotacheck command, use the ___ and ___ options. (choose two)

  • -a
  • -g
  • -u
  • -i

16. The quotacheck command creates databases with which names? (choose two)

  • aquota.user
  • group.quota
  • user.quota

17. Which of the following are true about soft limits? (choose two)

  • A user cannot exceed a soft limit
  • Soft limits can only be applied to blocks, not the number of inodes
  • A warning will appear on the screen if a user reaches the soft limit
  • The grace period starts once the soft limit is reached

18. Which of the following are true about hard limits? (choose two)

  • The grace period starts once the hard limit is reached
  • Hard limits can only be applied to blocks, not the number of inodes
  • A user cannot exceed a hard limit
  • An error will appear on the screen if a user reaches the hard limit

19. If a user has exceeded the block soft quota and the grace period has expired, what happens?

  • Nothing, the user can still continue to use files as normal
  • The question is invalid because users cannot exceed block soft quota limits
  • The user will lose data, as files will be deleted automatically by the kernel.
  • The soft limit becomes a hard limit until the user goes below the soft limit again

20. The ____ option can be used with the edquota command to copy the quota limits from one user account to another.

  • -u
  • -d
  • -p
  • -c

21. To have the quotacheck create or update all quota databases, use the ___ option.

  • -a
  • -u
  • -g
  • -o

22. Which command will display the block size of a filesystem?

  • showe2fs
  • displaye2fs
  • tune2fs
  • printe2fs

23. Which option to the df command displays the number of inodes in a filesystem?

  • -i
  • -I
  • –ino
  • -nodes

24. Which option to the df command displays the size of a filesystem in “human readable” format?

  • -g
  • No option will provide this feature
  • -h
  • -human

25. Which option to the edquota command allows you to modify grace periods?

  • -p
  • -t
  • -w
  • -u

26. Which option to the quotaon command displays which filesystems have quotas turned on for?

  • -fs
  • -f
  • -p
  • -w

27. You can display current filesystem space usage with the _____ command.

  • ls
  • dw
  • df
  • du

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