Introduction to Linux II – Chapter 03 Exam Answers 100% PDF file

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1. The acronym SQL stands for:

  • System Query Language
  • Structured Query Language
  • Systematic Query Level
  • Structured Qualitative Language

2. Data manipulation statements cannot be used for:

  • Defining tables and views
  • Viewing data from tables
  • Updating data in tables
  • Deleting one or more records

3. SQL statements must be capitalized for error-free execution.True or False?

  • True
  • False

4. SQL statements must be terminated with a:

  • Semicolon ;
  • Colon :
  • Exclamation point !
  • Comma ,

5. Which of the following is not an open source database program?

  • SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • SQLIte
  • Postgres

6. One employee can work on multiple projects. Similarly, a project can have more than one employee assigned to it. This is an example of a:

  • One-to-many relationship
  • Many-to-one relationship
  • One-to-one relationship
  • Many-to-many relationship

7. The database administrator decides to break one large employee table into two parts. The first table, employee_master, contains selected key information that does not change over time. The second table, employee_details, contains data that is considered optional. The relationship between employee_master and employee_details would most likely be a:

  • One-to-many relationship
  • One-to-one relationship
  • Many-to-many relationship
  • Many-to-one relationship

8. Records represent a group of information about an object. Records are represented as __________ in a database table.

  • Rows
  • Columns

9. In the case of a many-to-many relationship between two tables, a third table is not required to simplify the situation into two separate one-to-many relationships.True or False?

  • True
  • False

10. Identify the correct Data Definition statement from the list below:

  • UPDATE statement
  • INSERT statement
  • DELETE statement

11. The INSERT statement can add only one record at a time.True or False?

  • True
  • False

12. The following SQL command is run:
UPDATE people SET LastName=”Albert”;What is the problem with this statement?

  • Since there is no WHERE clause, it sets the last name of all the people in table
  • Syntax is incorrect, resulting in an error message
  • Data type has to be specified for LastName
  • Table name people should be capitalized

13. Which of the following statements INCORRECTLY describes the WHERE clause?

  • Used to reduce the result set
  • Can be used with the UPDATE, SELECT and DELETE statements
  • Wildcards cannot be used
  • NOT operator can negate the value of a comparison

14. It is risky to use a DELETE statement without a WHERE clause because:

  • It will remove the primary key from the table
  • It will remove all the tables in the database
  • It will remove all the records in the table
  • The performance of execution is slow

15. Refer to the following SQL statement and identify the type of query:
SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID IN (SELECT ProjectID FROM PeopleProjects);

  • Simple query
  • Sub query
  • Outer join
  • Structured query

16. Which of the following should be used in order to display SQL results in ascending order of age?

  • ORDER BY clause
  • SORT BY clause
  • JOIN statement
  • WHERE clause

17. Which SQL statement is used to fetch data from a table in the database?

  • SET

18. Which of the following is NOT a group value function in SQL?

  • SUM
  • AVG

19. What does the following SQL command output?
SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE ProjectID LIKE “P*”;

  • This displays all projects where ProjectID ends with P
  • This displays all projects where ProjectID has two characters and the first one is P
  • This displays all projects where ProjectID starts with P
  • This displays all projects where ProjectID has two characters and the second one is P

20. Which of the following is TRUE about a primary key?

  • Primary key column must be unique and cannot be NULL
  • Primary key column can have same values more than once
  • Primary key is similar to foreign key
  • Primary key column cannot be of string type

21. Which of the following will insert a record into a table named employee with empid and empname as columns?

  • INSERT EMPLOYEE ( 101,’Joe’);

22. Which of the following is not a valid SQL keyword or SQL clause?


23. Which of the following SQL clauses is used to delete data from a database table?

  • DROP

24. RDBMS stands for:

  • Relational Database Monitoring System
  • Relational Database Management System
  • Read Database Master System
  • Real Data Management System

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