Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 21 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. Which file provides persistent mapping of block devices to mount points?

  • /etc/
  • /etc/
  • /etc/fstable
  • /etc/fstab

2. Which two arguments may the mount command require, in order to mount a filesystem? (choose two)

  • The filesystem size
  • The device pathname
  • A directory pathname
  • The filesystem type

3. If you want to unmount a partition, which command should you use?

  • dismount
  • unmount
  • umount
  • mount

4. If the command you used to unmount a partition fails, which commands can you use to check what is keeping the partition busy? (choose two)

  • chkdsk
  • lsof
  • partchk
  • fuser

5. What commands can display a list of mounted file systems? (choose two)

  • mount
  • lspt
  • fdisk
  • df

6. The first field in the /etc/fstab file is used to specify:

  • The fsck order
  • The dump level
  • The mount options
  • The filesystem type
  • The device to mount
  • The mount point

7. The second field in the /etc/fstab file is used to specify:

  • The file system type
  • The device to mount
  • The mount point
  • The dump level
  • The mount options
  • The fsck order

8. The third field in the /etc/fstab file is used to specify:

  • The fsck order
  • The dump level
  • The mount options
  • The filesystem type
  • The mount point
  • The device to mount

9. The fourth field in the /etc/fstab file is used to specify:

  • The dump level
  • The mount options
  • The mount point
  • The filesystem type
  • The fsck order
  • The device to mount

10. The fifth field in the /etc/fstab file is used to specify:

  • The fsck order
  • The mount options
  • The device to mount
  • The filesystem type
  • The mount point
  • The dump level

11. The sixth field in the /etc/fstab file is used to specify:

  • The mount options
  • The dump level
  • The device to mount
  • The filesystem type
  • The mount point
  • The fsck order

12. Which of the following will mount an ISO file named cdrom.iso?

  • mount -t ufs cdrom.iso /mnt
  • mount -o loopback cdrom.iso /mnt
  • mount -o loop cdrom.iso /mnt
  • mount -t cdrom cdrom.iso /mntb

13. Which of the following is not a reason why the umount command may fail?

  • There is an executable file running that is located within the filesystem
  • There is a file open that is located within the filesystem
  • There are symbolic links to files within the filesystem
  • A user has a directory within the filesystem as their current working directory

14. A mount point is:

  • An empty directory that is used to access a filesystem
  • A partition
  • A way to specify mount options
  • A device name used for mounting

15. Which mount option will remount a currently mounted filesystem?

  • mount -o reset
  • mount -o remount
  • mount -o mount
  • mount -o reload

16. What does the mount option ro dev mean if placed in the fourth field /etc/fstab file?

  • Mount the filesystem as read-only and permit device files
  • Nothing, there is no dev mount option
  • Mount the filesystem as read-only and don’t permit device files
  • Nothing, the option is invalid because a space is not permitted between options

17. Which command will describe the mount options available for different filesystems?

  • mount –options
  • mount -a
  • mount –list
  • man mount

18. Which mount option mounts a filesystem allowing both reading and writing?

  • ro
  • raw
  • rw
  • readwrite

19. Which mount option mounts a filesystem allowing reading only?

  • ronly
  • readonly
  • ro
  • rw

20. Which mount option mounts a filesystem allowing executable files?

  • ex
  • noexec
  • execute
  • exec

21. Which mount option mounts a filesystem allowing suid files?

  • suid
  • suidset
  • allowsuid
  • setsuid

22. Which df command option displays file type?

  • -T
  • -t
  • -F
  • -f

23. Which option to the fuser command displays verbose information about filesystem activity?

  • -i
  • -v
  • -info
  • -ver

24. Which option to the fuser command displays attempts to stop all processes using the filesystem?

  • -s
  • -k
  • -w
  • -p

25. Which command will display UUIDs?

  • id
  • setid
  • blkid
  • displayid

26. Which command will create disk labels on an ext3 filesystem?

  • label
  • e2label
  • ext3label
  • elabel

27. Which option will mount a filesystem using the default mount options?

  • standard
  • defaults
  • default
  • all

28. Which value do you place in the dump field of the /etc/fstab for pseudo-filesystems?

  • 2
  • 0
  • 3
  • 1

29. Which value do you place in the fsck field of the /etc/fstab file for pseudo-filesystems?

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0

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