Linux Essentials – Chapter 06 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. Hidden files are files that begin with what character?

  • A dash (-)
  • A plus (+)
  • A period (.)
  • An asterisk (*)

2. What option for the ls command will display all files, including hidden files?

  • -L
  • -H
  • -w
  • -a

3. The top-level directory on a Linux system is represented as:

  • /
  • C:
  • /home
  • /root

4. Is the following path absolute or relative?

  • Absolute
  • Relative

5. Is the following path absolute or relative?

  • Relative
  • Absolute

6. Is the following path absolute or relative?

  • Relative
  • Absolute

7. The tilde (~) is used to represent:

  • A user’s home directory
  • Any two single characters
  • The directory above the current working directory
  • Nothing; it has no special meaning

8. Which of the following commands can be used to access the home directory of the user “bob” while logged in as root? (choose two)

  • cd /home/bob
  • cd ~bob
  • cd &&
  • ~bob

9. The double dot (..) can be used with the cd command to represent:

  • The directory above the current working directory
  • Nothing; it has no special meaning.
  • Any two single characters
  • A user’s home directory.

10. The cd command by itself will take you to what directory?

  • The system root directory
  • None; it is not a valid command
  • The directory above the current working directory
  • Your home directory

11. What command will allow you to change your current working directory?

  • chdir
  • list
  • cd
  • ls

12. The double dot (..) can be used to represent the directory…

  • …above the current directory.
  • …below the current directory.
  • …with any two single numbers.
  • …above the current directory only when using the cd command.

13. The ls command without options or arguments…

  • …generates an error as this command requires arguments.
  • …lists the contents of the current directory.
  • …prompts for a directory to list.
  • …lists the contents of a user’s home directory.

14. The first character in a long listing (ls -l) indicates:

  • The permissions
  • If something is a file, directory, or symbolic link
  • The owner
  • The size

15. Which option for the ls command, when used in conjunction with the -l option, will display human-readable sizes?

  • -M
  • -S
  • -H
  • -h

16. Which of the following commands will prevent any aliased options to the ls command?

  • /ls
  • \ls
  • %ls
  • ls

17. The ls command color codes results by default. True or False?

  • True
  • False

18. The command ls -S will sort files:

  • By size, smallest to largest
  • By number of symlinks, largest to smallest
  • By modification date, newest to oldest
  • By size, largest to smallest

19. When using the cp command, you must provide both a source and a destination. True or False?

  • True
  • False

20. Which option(s) can be used to prevent cp from overwriting an existing file? (choose two)

  • -n
  • -N
  • -z
  • -i

21. The command rm -r will…

  • remove a directory along with any files or subdirectories.
  • prompt for each confirmation before deleting each file in a directory.
  • remove only empty directories.
  • generate an error; -r isn’t a valid option.

22. Which option can be used with the rm command to prompt before deleting?

  • -i
  • I
  • -P
  • A

23. The rm command can delete multiple files at once. True or False?

  • True
  • False

24. Which of the following commands can be used to rename a file?

  • name
  • mv
  • rn
  • cp

25. The touch command can be used to: (choose two)

  • Create new files
  • Change a file’s name
  • Update the time stamp of existing files
  • Change ownership of a file

26. The whatis command is the same as man -w.

  • false
  • true
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3 months ago

thank you

3 years ago

The whatis command is the same as man -w.

IT Administrator
IT Administrator
3 years ago
Reply to  carl

Thanks for sharing!