Introduction to Linux II – Chapter 15 Exam Answers 100% PDF file

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1. The ____ command used to disable a network interface is identical to _____.

  • ifdown eth0, ifconfig –down eth0
  • ifdown eth0, ip eth0 down
  • ifdown eth0, ifconfig eth0 up
  • ifdown eth0, ifconfig eth0 down

2. Which command is used to assign a netmask to eth1?

  • ifconfig eth1 submask
  • ifconfig eth1 –net-mask
  • ifconfig eth1 netmask 255.255.255.*
  • ifconfig eth1 netmask

3. The eth0 NIC has been mapped to two IP addresses. This is known as:

  • IP aliasing
  • IP replicating
  • IP mapping
  • IP routing

4. Which of the following is not shown in the output of the ifconfig command?

  • Packets received
  • TTL
  • Packets transmitted
  • Packets dropped

5. The IP address of your host is In order to connect to another host with the IP address of, your router will have to be connected to the subnets:

  • and
  • and
  • and
  • and

6. Which file will be used to enable DHCP based configuration on Red Hat based systems?

  • /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifconfig-eth0
  • /etc/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
  • /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
  • /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/eth0

7. You ping a host, which is currently not reachable because of some maintenance activity. You now try to add a route via this host since it will be available shortly. What will be the output of route add in this scenario?

  • The route will be ignored and an error will be shown
  • The route will be ignored without any error
  • The route will be added with a warning
  • The route addition will be completed

8. The ____ file is read at boot time on Red Hat based systems to set the host name.

  • /etc/network/sysconfig
  • /etc/sys/config
  • /etc/sysconfig/network
  • /etc/sys/network

9. Which API is used to query address information from the Name Service Switch (NSS) resolver?

  • getaddrent()
  • getaddrinfo()
  • gethostinfo()
  • getaddrfields()

10. How is the DNS configuration file /etc/resolv.conf setup?

  • By the ifconfig utility
  • Default values provided during installation
  • Downloaded from Internet
  • By network initialization scripts

11. What type of interface is a network interface card?

  • Software interface
  • Hardware interface
  • Physical interface
  • Proxy interface

12. Which file contains host and routing details of all configured network interfaces for Red Hat based systems?

  • /etc/sysconfig
  • /etc/sys/network
  • /etc/network
  • /etc/sysconfig/network

13. The view only options of the ifconfig command need root privileges.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

14. Which command is used to find the netmask of eth0 interface?

  • ifconfig eth0
  • ifconfig –A
  • ifconfig –eth0
  • ifconfig –netmask eth0

15. The ifup command can read interface definitions from a file other than the default file.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

16. The routing table shows an entry with genmask, this indicates the _____.

  • Default Host
  • Default Route
  • Default Subnet Mask
  • Default Name Server

17. Which command is used to setup broadcast addresses for a network interface?

  • ifconfig
  • ifup
  • route
  • traceroute

18. Which file is referred to on systems where DNS is not set up?

  • /etc/host-config
  • /etc/resolv.conf
  • /etc/network-hosts
  • /etc/hosts

19. Which configuration file is referred to for DNS resolution?

  • /etc/dns.conf
  • /etc/names.conf
  • /etc/resolv.conf
  • /etc/hosts

20. The kernel’s routing table contains static and dynamic routes.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

21. Which command is used to delete entries from the routing table?

  • route --del
  • route del
  • route rm
  • route down

22. Which of the information listed below is not shown by the ping command?

  • TTL
  • Route to the destination
  • Round-trip Time
  • Packet Loss

23. You want to switch the NIC cards of two servers currently in use. Which command will be used to disable the interfaces for this activity?

  • ifdown
  • nicdown
  • route down
  • ip down

24. The ifdown command can be used to disable all configured network interfaces.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

25. The _____ command is used to view the fully qualified domain name of the host.

  • hostname
  • cat /etc/hosts
  • hostname –f
  • uname

26. Which of the configuration directives given below is not found in the /etc/resolv.conf file?

  • domain
  • sortlist
  • nameserver
  • parameters

27. Which file is referred to by the Name Service Switch (NSS) resolver?

  • /etc/resolv.conf
  • /etc/hosts
  • /etc/nsswitch.conf
  • /etc/nssconfig.conf

28. The /etc/nsswitch.conf file defines the order in which DNS and the /etc/hosts file are queried for host name information.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

29. Which command can you use to block packets to a specific host?

  • route reject
  • route block
  • route add with reject option
  • route del

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