Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 13 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. Which command can be used to set what your default permissions will be on new files?

  • umode
  • umask
  • mode
  • mask

2. Which commands can be used to change the ownership of a file? (choose two)

  • chggrp
  • chgrp
  • chown
  • newgrp

3. If a file has permissions that appear as rwxr-x—, what is the octal permission mode of the file?

  • 760
  • 650
  • 750
  • 740

4. Which permission is necessary on a directory in order for a user to use the cd command to change that directory?

  • Read
  • None
  • Execute
  • Write

5. The only user with the capability to change the owner of a file is root.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

6. The setuid permission on a file:

  • Causes the file to always run as root
  • Causes the file to never run as root
  • Causes the file to run under the owner’s identity
  • Causes the file to run under the user’s identity

7. Using the setgid permission on a directory:

  • Causes new files created in the directory to be owned by the group that owns the directory
  • Causes the directory to be writable to members of the group that owns the directory
  • Causes files existing in the directory to be made executable by the group
  • Causes files existing in the directory to be owned by the group that owns the directory

8. Which permission is used to make a directory so that only root, the owners of files or the owner of the directory can remove them?

  • sticky bit
  • setgid
  • write
  • setuid

9. Which command is used to change permissions on a file?

  • chgmode
  • chmod
  • chgperm
  • chperm

10. To access a directory with the cd command, you must also be able to access all the parent directories of the directory with the cd command.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

11. Which command can change the user owner of a file?

  • chown
  • own
  • pawn
  • chpawn

12. To run binary executables, you need both read and execute permission. True or False?

  • True
  • False

13. To run a script file, you need both read and execute permission.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

14. Assuming everyone has access to the directory the file is in, who can view the contents of a file with permissions of rw-r—-x?

  • Nobody
  • Both the user owner and group owners
  • Only the user owner
  • Everyone
  • Only the group owners

15. To switch to another group, you must:

  • Be a member of the group that you are switching to
  • Be logged in graphically
  • Log off and log back in
  • Log in as the staff user

16. Which command will allow you to change the group ownership of a file that you own?

  • regroup
  • chgrp
  • chown
  • mask

17. The group ownership of a file may only be changed by:

  • The owner of the file
  • Any user can change the group ownership of any file
  • The root user
  • Both the root user and the owner of the file

18. The only person who can change the user ownership of a file is:

  • The root user
  • The owner of the file
  • Both the root user and owner of the file
  • Any user can change the group ownership of any file

19. For the rwxr-x–x permission set, the bolded permissions belong to:

  • All users besides the user owner and group owner
  • The group owner of the file
  • The user owner and group owner of the file
  • The user owner of the file

20. For rwxr-x–x permission set, the bolded permissions belong to:

  • The user owner and group owner of the file
  • All users besides the user owner and group owner
  • The user owner of the file
  • The group owner of the file

21. For the rwxr-x–x permission set, the bolded permissions belong to:

  • The group owner of the file
  • All users besides the user owner and group owner
  • The user owner and group owner of the file
  • The user owner of the file

22. The command, chmod a+x will:

  • Remove execute permission for all users
  • Add execute permissions for the user owner
  • Remove execute permissions for the user owner
  • Add execute permission for all users

23. The command, chmod u=g will:

  • Set the group owners permissions to match the user owners permissions
  • Set the user owners permissions to match the group owners permission
  • Nothing, the command syntax is invalid
  • Set the user owners permissions to rwx

24. To have permissions set to rwxr-x–x, you can use the following command:

  • chmod 751
  • chmod 755
  • chmod 777 file
  • chmod 711

25. The command, chmod 1777 /data will:

  • Make the /data directory a setuid directory
  • Make the /data directory a sticky bit directory
  • Remove all special permissions
  • Make the /data directory a setgid directory

26. The command, chmod 0777 /data will:

  • Make the /data directory a setuid directory
  • Make the /data directory a setgid directory
  • Make the /data directory a sticky bit directory
  • Remove all special permissions

27. The command, chmod 2777 /data will:

  • Make the /data directory a setgid directory
  • Make the /data directory a sticky bit directory
  • Make the /data directory a setuid directory
  • Remove all special permissions

28. Which command will allow you to switch to another group and add files that are group owned by this other group?

  • chgrp
  • switchgrp
  • newgroup
  • newgrp

29. What umask value would you use in order for new directories to have the permissions of rwxr-x–x?

  • 027
  • 077
  • 022
  • 026

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