Introduction to Linux II – Chapter 17 Exam Answers 100% PDF file

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1. Why is the SUID/SGID bit set for the chage command?

  • To make the effective user id the same as the saved user id
  • To provide access to all users without any restrictions
  • To restrict access to the root user only
  • To provide user access to files in the /etc directory that are otherwise accessible to root only

2. Which are the four types of aliases found in the /etc/sudoers file?

  • User_Alias, Host_Alias, Runas_Alias, and Perm_Alias
  • Root_Alias, Host_Alias, Runas_Alias, and Cmnd_Alias
  • User_Alias, Host_Alias, Runas_Alias, and Cmnd_Alias
  • User_Alias, Hostname_Alias, Runas_Alias, and Cmnd_Alias

3. Which password is required for authentication to use sudo?

  • Password of the user who owns the application
  • No authentication is required
  • Root Password
  • User’s Password

4. What type of information is stored in the /etc/passwd file?

  • User Password Policy
  • User Account information
  • User Password information
  • Links to User Account files

5. Which files define the user’s password aging policy?

  • /etc/login.defs and /etc/default/user.defs
  • /etc/login.defs and /etc/default/useradd
  • /etc/user.defs and /etc/default/useradd
  • /etc/login.defs and /etc/useradd

6. What is the default value of the PASS_MAX_DAYS variable, which defines the maximum number of days before the user must change his password?

  • 9999
  • 99999
  • 90
  • 3

7. Which password is required for authentication to use su?

  • User’s Password
  • Root Password
  • No authentication is required
  • Password of the user who owns the application

8. What are the two types of limits that can be set with the ulimit command?

  • static and dynamic
  • low and high
  • hard and soft
  • permanent and temporary

9. The system administrator can enforce limits on the size of files created by users (in terms of number of blocks) using the ulimit command.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

10. Which of the following is the correct format for entries in the /etc/security/limits.conf file?

  • <domain> <type> <item> <value>
  • <parameter> <type> <item> <value>
  • <domain> <type> <value>
  • <type> <item> <value>

11. The listing of a directory shows certain files with permissions set to rwsr-xr-x. What does this indicate?

  • SUID bit is set for the file
  • RUID bit is set for the file
  • This file has no execute permission for the user
  • GUID bit is set for the file

12. Which command is used to unset the SUID bit from a file?

  • chage
  • chmod
  • lsmod
  • touch

13. Files with the SUID/SGID bit set can be used to access the resources of the system that are otherwise inaccessible to the user.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

14. Why should the files with SUID/SGID bits set be audited?

  • To move all these files to a common directory
  • To make all such files read-only
  • The system administrator should be aware of such files since they make the system vulnerable
  • To unset the SUID/SGID bit of all such files

15. Which command is used to keep the user’s account in a locked state?

  • chage –L
  • useradd –L
  • passwd –L
  • usermod –L

16. The chage command supports a _____ mode.

  • interactive
  • command
  • background
  • batch

17. What is the purpose of the lsof command?

  • Listing of all files opened by active processes
  • Listing of all files in the /etc directory
  • Listing of all open sockets
  • Listing of all hidden files

18. Which command is used to set limits for user processes?

  • uname
  • plimit
  • slimit
  • ulimit

19. Which of the following items cannot be regulated using ulimit?

  • Priority to run user process with
  • Max. number of database sessions
  • Max. number of open files
  • Max. CPU time

20. Which is the most useful command for managing password aging policy?

  • useradd
  • userdel
  • chage
  • change

21. Which of the following user ID types is not supported by Linux?

  • Effective
  • Real
  • File
  • Saved

22. Which file is used to configure the sudo command?

  • /etc/sudo.conf
  • /etc/suusers
  • /etc/sudo.ini
  • /etc/sudoers

23. Which is the default user that su switches to?

  • Root
  • No default user
  • As specified in /etc/su.conf
  • As specified in /etc/sudoers

24. Which command can be used that will take immediate effect, to inactivate the password of a user who has quit?

  • usermod –l
  • passwd -w
  • passwd -e
  • usermod –e

25. Which command’s output includes the line: Interesting ports on hostname?

  • ping
  • nmap
  • dig
  • netstat

26. How can both hard and soft limits be se together in the /etc/security/limits.conf file?

  • By specifying the type as ?
  • By specifying the type as Both
  • By specifying the type as
  • By specifying the type as *

27. The SUID process forks a new process that does not have SUID access.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

28. Which file stores the encrypted password?

  • /etc/password
  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/shadow
  • /etc/shadpaswd

29. Which of the following is not a function of nmap?

  • Checking port activity
  • Scanning the specified subnet
  • Auditing networks
  • Finding unreachable routes

30. Which of the following is not a state of ports as reported by nmap?

  • Filtered
  • Closed
  • Open
  • Suspended

31. Which command can be used to view all open ports, along with the processes using them?

  • netstat
  • ifconfig
  • nmap
  • route

32. Both the lsof and the netstat command can be used to find the list of processes and the ports they are listening to.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

33. Which of the following commands is used to find all files that have the SGID bit set?

  • find / -type f –perm -2000
  • find / -type f –perm -4000
  • find / -type f –p -2000
  • find / -type f –mode -2000

34. Which command makes it possible to ping all the hosts on a given subnet?

  • ping –a
  • nmap –sP
  • nmap –a
  • ping –A

35. The sudo command can cache user’s credentials.
True or False?

  • True
  • False

36. You need to enforce an organization’s policy of mandatory password changes every 90 days. Which command can you use for this?

  • usermod -M 90 user_name
  • passwd -M 90 user_name
  • useradd -M 90 user_name
  • chage -M 90 user_name

37. You need to restart the network service and you are not the root user. Which command can you use?

  • sudo
  • sudo
  • chmod
  • usermod

38. Which file is used to store limits for users so that the limits persist after system reboot?

  • /etc/security/limits.cnf
  • /etc/security/limits.conf
  • /etc/limits.conf
  • /etc/security/ulimits.conf

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5 years ago

The /etc/sudoers file should be edited using the ____ editor only.
visudo – correct answer