Introduction to Linux I – Chapter 20 Exam Answers 2019 + PDF file

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1. Which command is used from the command line, to edit your disk’s partition table?

  • gedit
  • parttool
  • fdisk
  • dedit

2. If you want to initialize swap space that you’ve just created, which command would you run?

  • swapon
  • initswap
  • mkswap
  • swapinit

3. To activate a swap space that has been initialized, you can execute:

  • swapon
  • swapctl
  • swapoff
  • swapcontrol

4. If you want to create a Fourth Extended Filesystem on a partition, which commands could you use? (choose two)

  • mkdosfs
  • mke2fs
  • mkfs
  • mkextfs

5. Which of the following commands will allow you to backup a partition table to a file and restore it at a later time?

  • ddisk
  • sfdisk
  • pdisk
  • edisk

6. Which of the following commands will allow you to add a physical volume to an existing volume group?

  • vgextend
  • vgcreate
  • vgadd
  • vgreduce

7. After running fdisk -cu /dev/sdb, what fdisk command will allow you to list the current partition table?

  • s
  • p
  • w
  • l

8. After running fdisk -cu /dev/sdb, what fdisk command will allow you to change a partition type?

  • g
  • f
  • t
  • d

9. After running fdisk -cu /dev/sdb, what fdisk command will allow you to create a new partition?

  • c
  • w
  • n
  • g

10. After running fdisk -cu /dev/sdb, what fdisk command will allow you to delete a partition?

  • d
  • g
  • s
  • r

11. After running fdisk -cu /dev/sdb, what fdisk command will allow you to quit without saving changes?

  • h
  • w
  • g
  • q

12. After running fdisk -cu /dev/sdb, what fdisk command will allow you to save changes and quit?

  • q
  • w
  • g
  • f

13. Which command is used to create a logical volume?

  • lvcreate
  • create
  • lvadd
  • createlv

14. Which command is used to create a volume group?

  • create
  • creategv
  • vgadd
  • vgcreate

15. Which mke2fs option defines the block size of the filesystem?

  • -block
  • -blk
  • -b
  • -bk

16. Which mke2fs option defines the percentage of the filesystem that is reserved for system use?

  • -r
  • -m
  • -s
  • -g

17. What option to the fdisk command is used for MS-DOS compatibility mode?

  • -c
  • -m
  • -d
  • -ms-dos

18. What option to the fdisk command is used to display current partitions?

  • -f
  • -p
  • -a
  • -l

19. What option to the fdisk command is used to utilize sector unit sizes?

  • -s
  • -t
  • -usize
  • -u

20. What option to the mkfs command allows you to specify the type of filesystem to create?

  • -fs
  • -t
  • -fstype
  • -f

21. Which command is used to create a physical volume?

  • pvadd
  • create
  • createpv
  • pvcreate

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