Reload Command on CISCO Router/Switch




This command is used to reboot the Cisco device.


Router# reload


-noverify Don’t verify file signature before reload
-verify Verify file signature before reload
-LINE Reason for reload
-at Reload at a specific time/date
-cancel Cancel pending reload
-in Reload after a time interval


The following examples show how to use the reload command with its various options.

Standard Reload / Reload with no verification

Proceed with reload? [confirm]

Reload with verify option

This mode verifies the router’s IOS image in flash before reloading, if it fails the reload is aborted as shown below.

R4#reload /verify
%ERROR: Not able to process Signature in flash:.
%ERROR: Aborting reload.
*Mar 1 00:02:18.755: %SIGNATURE-3-NOT_ABLE_TO_PROCESS: %ERROR: Not able to process Signature in flash:.
*Mar 1 00:02:18.755: %SIGNATURE-3-ABORT_OPER: %ERROR: Aborting reload.

Reload LINE

This command reboots a router normally but logs the reason for the reboot.

R4#reload “Demonstrating Feature”
Proceed with reload? [confirm]R4#sh reload
Reload scheduled in 4 minutes and 51 seconds by console
Reload reason: “Demonstrating Feature”

Reload in

This command lets you set a reboot in x minutes after the command is entered.

R4#reload in 5
Reload scheduled in 5 minutes by console
Reload reason: Reload Command
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
*** — SHUTDOWN in 0:05:00 —

Reload at

This command schedules a reboot at a specified time. The time must be set on the router for this command to work.

R4#reload at ?
hh:mm Time to reload (hh:mm)R4#reload at 23:45
%The date and time must be set first.

R4#clock set 14:30:00 Nov 7 2008
*Nov 7 14:30:00.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 00:14:23 UTC Fri Mar 1 2002 to 14:30:00 UTC Fri Nov 7 2008, configured from console by console.
R4#reload at 23:45
Reload scheduled for 23:45:00 UTC Fri Nov 7 2008 (in 9 hours and 14 minutes) by console
Reload reason: Reload Command
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Nov 7 14:30:07.443: %SYS-5-SCHEDULED_RELOAD: Reload requested for 23:45:00 UTC Fri Nov 7 2008 at 14:30:05 UTC Fri Nov 7 2008 by console. Reload Reason: Reload Command.

Reload cancel

This command cancels a scheduled reload.

R4#sh reload
Reload scheduled for 23:45:00 UTC Fri Nov 7 2008 (in 9 hours and 13 minutes) by console
Reload reason: Reload CommandR4#reload cancel

Nov 7 14:31:31.467: %SYS-5-SCHEDULED_RELOAD_CANCELLED: Scheduled reload cancelled at 14:31:31 UTC Fri Nov 7 2008

Show Reload

This command shows info about scheduled reloads.

R4#sh reload
Reload scheduled for 23:45:00 UTC Fri Nov 7 2008 (in 9 hours and 12 minutes) by console
Reload reason: Reload Command
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