8.3.7 Packet Tracer – Simple Wireless LAN Model Answers

8.3.7 Packet Tracer – Simple Wireless LAN Model Answers


8.3.7 Packet Tracer - Simple Wireless LAN Model Answers 2

Learning Objectives

  • Examine the Wireless LAN network
  • Run the simulation


Wireless LANs are an increasingly important technology. They will be covered in more depth in later courses. The example presented here is a simple model of a wireless LAN setup that might be found in a home or small business.

Task 1: Examine the Wireless network.

Step 1. Open the various devices and examine their configurations.

Examine the devices that make up the wireless network using both the Physical and the Config tabs. Note especially the following:

  • Both the PC and the printer have a Linksys wireless adapter installed. Also click the PC Wireless button on the PC’s Desktop tab.
  • On the wireless router, also examine the contents of the GUI tab.
  • The “Model of ISP” device is a Packet Tracer cluster. Click on it to open it and display the devices that it contains. When finished examining the devices, click the Root=> button on the yellow bar in the upper left to close it.

Step 2. Verify connectivity in Realtime mode by opening a web page.

While in Realtime mode, open the Web Browser of the Home PC and type myispweb.com into the URL and press the Enter key. The web page should be retrieved. This process helps populate tables so you can focus on just the ICMP packets.

Task 2: Run the simulation.

Step 1. Start the simulation.

Switch to Simulation mode. We want to capture only ICMP events. In the Event List Filters section, verify that only ICMP events are selected. The packet at the Home PC is a single ICMP echo request that will be sent to the ISP’s web server through the wireless network.

Step 2. Examine a ping packet at each step from the Home PC to the web server and back.

Examine the packet at the Home PC. Then click Capture / Forward again and again, opening the packet for examination at each step in the process.

Download Packet Tracer (.pka) file:

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