CCNA 1 ITNv6 Chapter 1: Check Your Understanding Answers

CCNA 1 v6.0 Chapter 1: Exploring the Network: Check Your Understanding Answers

1. What is a group of web pages that groups of individuals can edit and view together called?

  • Podcasting
  • Wiki
  • Weblog (blog)
  • Instant messaging

Explanation: Podcasting and blogs allow the one-way dissemination of information. Instant messaging allows the synchronous communication between individuals. A wiki allows groups of individuals to view and edit web pages collaboratively.

2. Which of the following are disadvantages of peer-to-peer networking? (Choose two.)

  • Expensive to set up and maintain
  • No centralized administration
  • Complex configuration
  • Scalability

Explanation: Peer-to-peer networks are inexpensive and easy to configure but lack any centralized management and do not scale well.

3. Which devices would be considered end devices on a network? (Choose four.)

  • Switch
  • Printer
  • IP phone
  • Server
  • Tablet computer
  • Wireless access point

Explanation: End devices form the interface between users and the underlying communication network.

4. What type of information would be found on a logical topology diagram?

  • Location of department printer
  • Length and type of all cable runs
  • IP addressing scheme
  • Location of departmental switch

Explanation: Logical topology diagrams identify devices, ports, and IP addressing schemes. Physical topology diagrams identify the physical location of intermediate devices, configured ports, and cable installations.

5. What is a network infrastructure that provides access to other networks over a wide geographic area?

  • LAN
  • WLAN
  • MAN
  • WAN
  • SAN

Explanation: A wide-area network (WAN) provides access to other networks over a wide geographic area. A metropolitan-area network (MAN) spans an area larger than a local-area network (LAN) and is typically operated by a single entity. A wireless LAN (WLAN) is similar to a LAN, and a storage-area network (SAN) is designed to provide data storage, retrieval, and replication.

6. Which of the following are business-class Internet connection technologies normally supplied by a service provider? (Choose two.)

  • Leased lines
  • Broadband cable
  • Metro Ethernet
  • Mobile services
  • Cellular

Explanation: Leased line and Metro Ethernet are considered business-class Internet connection technologies. Mobile services and broadband cable are considered technologies to connect remote users.

7. Which technology would be best to provide a home user with a high-speed, always-on Internet connection?

  • Dialup
  • DSL
  • Satellite
  • Cellular

Explanation: DSL is an always-on technology that offers good bandwidth at reasonable cost. Dialup and cellular connections are not always-on technology and do not offer the same bandwidth capabilities as DSL. Satellite and cellular connections are also relatively expensive.

8. What is a converged network?

  • A network that makes use of both fiber-optic and copper connections.
  • A network where voice, video, and data move over the same infrastructure.
  • A network that makes use of both wired and wireless technology.
  • A network that makes use of both satellite and terrestrial connections to move data.

Explanation: A converged network is where voice, video, and data move over the same infrastructure. The underlying infrastructure can be wired or wireless.

9. What is a fault-tolerant network?

  • A network that can provide priority treatment of voice and video traffic
  • A network that offers secure transactions
  • A network that can reroute traffic in case of device failure
  • A network that is incapable of failing

Explanation: A fault-tolerant network is one that can continue to function if an intermediate device or path fails. A fault-tolerant network can fail if a sufficient number of intermediate deices and/or paths fail.

10. Which type of traffic must receive the highest priority from QoS?

  • Web traffic
  • Email
  • VoIP
  • Order processing

Explanation: Quality of Service (QoS) prioritizes data based on many factors including the traffic’s sensitivity to network delay. Voice over IP (VoIP) is very sensitive to network delay and must be given priority treatment.

11. What is true of Tier 3 ISPs?

  • They act as local providers of service directly to end users.
  • They Connect directly to Tier 1 ISPs.
  • They interconnect with other Tier 1 ISPs.
  • They provide high-speed redundant services to other ISPs.

Explanation: Tier 3 ISP are the local providers of service to end users. They normally connect to Tier 2 providers for Internet access.

12. What are the primary requirements of information security? (Choose three.)

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Availability
  • QoS
  • Scalability

Explanation: Information security includes ensuring that only the intended recipient can access the data (confidentiality), ensuring that the data has not been altered in transmission (integrity), and that the information is available in a timely manner (availability). Quality of service is not a primary requirement of information security.

13. List four current network trends.

The ready availability of network resources continues to change the way we work, play, and learn. Some of the current trends include the increased use of video, the use of client end-user-supplied devices on corporate networks (BYOD), the increased use of collaborative technologies, and a migration to cloud computing.

14. Describe some common everyday uses of a modern-day network.

Networks have changed the way we live our everyday lives. Some examples of ways that networks are used include:
-Checking the weather forecast
-Watching movies
-Sharing photographs and movies
-Playing games
-Checking our bank balance
-Taking an online class

15. In what ways has the network transformed the way we learn?

Networks extend the learning environment into the virtual world by providing tools for collaboration and mobility, thus creating a global classroom. Some of the ways that the learning environment has been transformed by networks include:
-Creates virtual classrooms
-Enables mobile learning
-Creates collaborative learning spaces
-Provides enhanced tracking of student performance
-Provides a global learning environment

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