5.5.7 Packet Tracer – Explore Network Protocols (Answers)

5.5.7 Packet Tracer – Explore Network Protocols (Answers)

Addressing Table

Device Interface IPv4 Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
R1 G0/0/0 N/A
R3 G0/0/0 N/A
Example Server NIC
PC-A NIC DHCP Assigned


  • Part 1: Configure DNS
  • Part 2: Configure DHCP
  • Part 3: Configure NTP
  • Part 4: Use SSH to Configure a Switch
  • Part 5: Use SNMP
  • Part 6: Configure HTTPS
  • Part 7: Configure EMAIL
  • Part 8: Configure FTP

Background / Scenario

Many services run on networks behind the scene to make things happen reliably and efficiently. As a developer, you should understand what services are available and how they can help you. You should also understand the basics of how the most useful and popular services are configured. In Packet Tracer, these services are simulated and the configuration is simple and straightforward. However, Packet Tracer does a very good job at simulating the actual traffic. As you work through this lab and send traffic, we encourage you to switch to Simulation mode to explore the contents of the various types of packets that the network is generating.

Note: Packet Tracer does not grade everything you do in this activity. However, you should be able to verify your configurations by following the steps. At the end of the activity, your completion percentage should be 100%.

Note: In this activity, the two web servers are referred to as DEVASC Server and Example Server. In the topology, they are named with their URL: www.devasc-netacad.pka and www.example.com.


Part 1: Configure DNS

All of the hosts on a network are assigned an IP address. The IP address can be an IPv4 address, and IPv6 address, or both. This includes all of the hosts on the internet too. But you do not use their IP address to communicate with them. You use common names such as cisco.com. Domain Name System (DNS) is the service that automatically translates the common, easy to remember names into IP addresses so that communication can take place between devices. In this Packet Tracer activity, the devices are using IPv4 addresses.

Step 1: Configure a local DNS server.

a. Click the Corporate server.

b. Click Services.

c. Click DNS.

d. Click the On radio button to turn on DNS Service.

Now that DNS has been enabled, you will need to provide the information for all of the hosts on the network(s) to which you would like to translate their name to an IPv4 address.

e. In the Name box, type www.example.com.

f. The IPv4 address of the server is In the Address box, type the IPv4 address.

g. Click Add.

You will now see an entry that shows the hostname and IPv4 address of the Example Server. This is where DNS will look for the hostname and return the IPv4 address of that host to any device that requests it.

Step 2: Configure and test the use of a local DNS server.

a. Click PC-A.

b. Click Config.

c. In the DNS Server box, type the IPv4 address of the Corporate DNS server:

Now when PC-A uses common hostnames, it will send out a DNS request for the IPv4 address of the host with that name.

d. Click Desktop > Command Prompt.

e. Ping www.example.com. The ping may not work the first time, or even the second, as the network converges. But by your third attempt, it should succeed. Notice that the very first line of the output shows that PC-A is using the right IPv4 address for the Example Server.

Packet Tracer PC Command Line 1.0
C:\> ping www.example.com

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
<output omitted>

C:\> ping www.example.com

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=125
<output omitted>


Note: There is a known issue with Packet Tracer’s implementation of the FIREWALL. You will not be able to access the web servers from PC-A. However, PC-A will be able to send and receive email through the Example Server later in the activity.

Step 3: Configure and test the use of a remote DNS server.

PC-B does not have a local DNS server. Therefore, it will use the Example Server as its DNS server.

a. Click PC-B.

b. Click Config.

c. In the DNS Server box, type the IPv4 address of the Corporate DNS server:

d. Click Desktop > Command Prompt.

e. Ping www.example.com. The ping may take a few seconds, but it should be successful.

f. Ping www.devasc-netacad.pka. The ping may not work the first time, or even the second, as the network converges. But by your third attempt, it should succeed.

g. Close the Command Prompt window and click Web Browser.

h. Enter www.example.com in the URL field and click Go. You should now see the Example.com web page displayed in the Web Browser.

i. Enter www.devasc-netacad.pka in the URL field and click Go. You should now see the DEVASC server web page displayed in the Web Browser.

Part 2: Configure DHCP

Manual configuration of IPv4 addresses is fine for very small networks, but on larger networks it is necessary to automatically provide IPv4 addressing to devices when they connect to the network. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides this service. It is also convenient when devices are moved because if they move to a different subnet, they will get a new address and be able to communicate with other hosts.

Another great feature abut DHCP is that it automatically sets not only the IPv4 address for a host, but also the subnet, default gateway, and DNS server address. This makes it very easy for multiple pieces of information to be configured on hosts automatically.

Step 1: Configure DHCP on the Corporate server.

Note: Your Completion percentage will not increase until you click Save at the end of this step.

a. Click the Corporate server, then Services, if necessary.

b. Click DHCP.

c. Click the On radio button to turn on the DHCP Service.

You will now define a pool of IPv4 addresses that you wish to assign to hosts. You will use IPv4 addresses in the subnet. You cannot use the address of because it is already in use by the FIREWALL interface. You also cannot use the Corporate server address of In addition, it is a good practice to leave some addresses free for statically assigning to servers or other devices where you want their address to remain the same.

d. The Pool Name is currently serverPool. Do not change it.

e. For Default Gateway, enter the IPv4 address of the INSIDE interface of the FIREWALL:

This will provide each DHCP host a route to other networks.

f. For DNS Server, enter the IPv4 address of the Corporate server:

This will provide each DHCP host an address to use to send DNS messages.

g. For Start IP Address, use

This provides for a few statically-assigned devices on the network in the future.

h. For Subnet Mask, use

i. For Maximum number of users, enter 245, the remaining amount after setting 10 aside.

j. Click Save to overwrite the default serverPool name.

Step 2: Test the DHCP configuration.

a. Click PC-A.

b. Close the Command Prompt, if it is still open.

c. Click IP Configuration.

d. Click DCHP.

This may take a little time, but you should be supplied with an IPv4 address from the router outside of the first 10 addresses. You should also see the subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server all supplied for you automatically.

Part 3: Configure NTP

The clock on a router or a switch is important for managing, securing, and troubleshooting networks. Even on small networks, it is important to synchronize the time across all devices. Trying to do this manually is almost impossible especially for large networks. Network Time Protocol (NTP) can be used to synchronize the time on each device by receiving it from an NTP server, ensuring that the times are all the same.

Step 1: Turn the NTP service on.

a. Click the Corporate server.

b. Click Services.

c. Click NTP.

d. Click the On radio button next to Service.

Step 2: Investigate NTP on S2.

S2 has already been configured to use the Corporate server as its NTP server.

a. Click S2.

b. Click CLI.

c. Press Enter to get a command prompt. The enter privileged EXEC mode with the enable command.

Use cisco as the password.

S2> enable
Password: <cisco>

d. Display the current time and date using the show clock detail command. Notice that the time is set by hardware and is not accurate.

S2# show clock detail
*0:3:44.318 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993
Time source is hardware calendar

e. You can manually configure the time with the clock command. However, a better practice is to use an NTP server. Enter global configuration mode with the configure terminal command.

S2# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

f. Configure S2 to use the Corporate server as its NTP server. Exit global configuration mode and verify S2 is now using NTP. Your time and date should now be accurate.

S2(config)# ntp server
S2(config)# exit
S2# show clock detail
14:1:26.216 UTC Thu May 21 2020
Time source is NTP

Note: It may take some time before the source is updated to NTP. You can click Fast Forward Time (the double arrow button) to speed up the simulation.

Part 4: Use SSH to Securely Access a Switch

Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol that is used to encrypt communication between a client and a host. SSH is the preferable connection type because it is secure in comparison to Telnet. SSH has already been configured on S2.

a. Click PC-A. Close IP Configuration, if necessary.

b. Click Desktop > Command Prompt.

c. Attempt to establish an insecure Telnet session to S2.

C:\> telnet
Trying ...Open

[Connection to closed by foreign host]

d. S2 denies your request because it is configured for SSH access only. Enter the command ssh and press Enter to see how to use the command. Note that the option is a lowercase L, not a number 1.

C:\> ssh
Packet Tracer PC SSH

Usage: SSH -l username target.


e. Attempt to establish an SSH connection to S2. The password is cisco.

C:\> ssh -l administrator



You can now securely configure S2.

f. You are now accessing the command line for S2 over a secure connection. Enter global configuration mode with the enable command to verify you can configure the switch remotely. Use cisco as the password. Then enter exit to terminate the SSH session.

S2> enable
S2# exit

[Connection to closed by foreign host]

Part 5: Investigate SNMP MIB Object IDs

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) can be used to get and set variables related to the status and configuration of network hosts like routers and switches, as well as network client computers. The SNMP manager can poll SNMP agents for data, or data can be automatically sent to the SNMP manager by configuring traps on the SNMP agents. In this part, you will retrieve the Management Information Base (MIB) Object ID codes to learn the details of the messages using the MIB browser.

Cisco devices use community strings to authenticate access to the Management Information Base (MIB). This is where all of the information about the device is stored. A community string is simply a plaintext password. Community strings can be either read-only (ro) or read-write (rw). These community strings have been created for you on R3 so that you can investigate the MIB.

Note: Although SNMP can be programmatically accessed to managed the network, more sophisticated tools are now available, as you will see in the rest of this course. However, SNMP has a large install base in networks today and will continue to be a valuable management tool for the foreseeable future.

Follow these steps to investigate the simulation of SNMP in Packet Tracer.

a. Click PC-B. Close Web Browser, if necessary.

b. Click MIB Browser.

c. Enter the address of R3 in the Address field:

d. Click Advanced.

e. Enter read in the field for Read Community.

f. Enter write in the field for Write Community.

g. Change the SNMP Version to v3.

h. Click OK.

i. Click the arrow next to MIB Tree to expand the tree.

j. Click the arrow next to router_std MIBs.

k. Continue expanding the tree until you reach .mgmt.

l. Expand .mgmt.

m. Continue expanding the tree until you reach .system.

n. Expand .system. You may need to make the window wider at the point. You can also grab the middle bar between the MIB Tree on the left and the Result Table on the right.

o. Click .sysName.

p. Click the GO button.

You will now see the Value of the object is R3. You can look at other objects in the MIB such as the interfaces on the router.

q. Expand the tree .interfaces > .ifTable > .ifEntry > .ifOperStatus and click GO.

You will see that two of three interfaces are up. You can now easily query anything about the router.

Part 6: Configure HTTPS

When you connect to a server using HTTP, you connect and assume that it is the correct server. The data transferred between you and the server is sent in plaintext, so if anyone captured that data, they could read it and manipulate it. Normally, this isn’t a problem if you are simply browsing the internet. But if you are creating an account, accessing an account, or providing any personal information, it can be captured and used by someone else. Secure HTTP (HTTPS) adds a layer of security by encrypting the connection between you and the server. A site must posses a security certificate from a trusted source, to verify that the site is legitimate. Your browser checks that the certificate is valid and from a trusted source before connecting you to the site.

Step 1: Open your web page from a PC.

a. Click PC-B.

b. Click Desktop.

c. Click Web Browser.

d. Enter www.devasc-netacad.pka in the URL box and click Go. You verified access earlier. However, after you click Go, notice the protocol is HTTP (http://).

Step 2: Examine the FIREWALL.

a. Click FIREWALL.

b. Click CLI.

c. Press Enter.

d. Enter enable and press Enter.

There is no password, so press Enter.

e. Enter show run and press Enter.

f. Use the space bar to scroll through the firewall configuration.

Notice the following two configurations in the OUTSIDE-DMZ access-list:

<output omitted>
access-list OUTSIDE-DMZ extended permit icmp any host
access-list OUTSIDE-DMZ extended permit tcp any host eq www
access-list OUTSIDE-DMZ extended permit tcp any host eq 443
<output omitted>

The line with www allows port 80, which is unsecured HTTP traffic. The line with port 443 allows port 443, which is secured HTTP (HTTPS) traffic.

g. Remove the access-list statement that allows unsecured HTTP traffic on port 80. Enter the no version of the access-list statement as shown below. The command will wrap to the next line, but do not press Enter until you have completed the full command.

FIREWALL# configure terminal
FIREWALL(config)# no access-list OUTSIDE-DMZ extended permit tcp any host eq www
Step 3: Configure HTTPS.

a. Click the DEVASC Server.

b. Click Services > HTTP. Notice that HTTP is set to On, but HTTPS is Off.

c. Turn HTTP off and turn HTTPS on. Even though the FIREWALL will no longer allow HTTP access, it is best practice to also configure the server to only allow HTTPS.

d. Click the radio button for HTTPS to turn it On.

Step 4: Verify HTTPS configuration.

a. Click PC-B.

b. Close the MIB Browser, if necessary. Click the Web Browser to reopen it.

c. Verify PC-B can no longer access www.devasc-netacad.pka using HTTP. After a few seconds, you should get a Request Timeout message. Click Fast Forward Time to speed this up.

d. Change http to https and click Go. You should now see the web page.


Part 7: Configure EMAIL

Email clients use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), port 25, to send email to a server. SMTP is also used to send email between servers. Email client uses Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3), port 110, to retrieve mail from the server.

Step 1: Configure the EMAIL server.

a. Click the Example Server.

b. Click Services.

c. Click EMAIL.

d. Turn on both SMTP and POP3 services.

e. Enter www.example.com in the Domain Name box.

f. Click Set.

Step 2: Create users.

a. In the User box, type Student1.

b. Enter class for the password.

c. Click the plus (+) box to add the user.

d. Repeat this step to add a user called Student2 with the same password.

Step 3: Configure the clients.

a. Click PC-A.

b. Click Desktop.

c. Click Email.

d. Enter the following information:

Your Name: Student1
Email Address: [email protected]
Incoming Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server:
User Name: Student1
Password: class

e. Click Save.

f. Repeat this configuration on PC-B replacing Student1 with Student2.

Step 4: Send and receive Email

a. On PC-B, open Email if it is not open.

b. Click Compose.

c. Fill in the following information:

To: [email protected]
Subject: Email

In the message box, type a message to Student1 such as “How are you?”

d. Click Send.

e. On PC-A, open Email if it is not open.

f. Click Receive. This may take a little time and a few tries to complete.

g. Double-click the message when it arrives to read it.

h. Click Reply.

i. Enter a response to the email and click Send.

j. Click Send.

k. Return to PC-B, click Receive to read the reply.

Part 8: Configure FTP

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a commonly used application to transfer files between clients and servers on the network. The server is configured to run the service where clients connect, login, and transfer files. FTP uses port 21 as the server command port to create the connection. FTP then uses port 20 for data transfer.

Step 1: Configure the server.

a. Click the Corporate server.

b. Click Services.

c. Click FTP.

d. Click the On radio button to turn on the FTP service.

e. In the Username box, type Student.

f. In the Password box, type class.

g. Check all of the boxes below these fields to set the user permission to allow write, read, delete, rename, and list.

h. Click Add.

Note: At this point, your completion percentage should be 100%. If not, click Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed. The rest of this activity is not graded.

Step 2: Use the FTP service.

a. Click PC-A.

b. Click Desktop.

c. Click Command Prompt.

d. Enter dir to see the files on the PC.

C:\> dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5E12-4AF3
Directory of C:\

2/6/2106 23:28 PM 26 sampleFile.txt
26 bytes 1 File(s)

e. FTP to the Corporate server IPv4 address.

C:\> ftp
Trying to connect...
Connected to
220- Welcome to PT Ftp server

f. Enter the username and password you configured previously to gain access.

g. Enter? and press Enter to see the commands available in the ftp client.

ftp> ?

h. Enter dir to see the files available on the server.

ftp> dir

Listing /ftp directory from 
0 : asa842-k8.bin 5571584
1 : asa923-k8.bin 30468096
2 : c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin 33591768
3 : c1841-ipbase-mz.123-14.T7.bin 13832032
<output omitted>

i. Enter put sampleFile.txt to send the file to the server.

ftp> put sampleFile.txt

Writing file sampleFile.txt to 
File transfer in progress...

[Transfer complete - 26 bytes]

26 bytes copied in 0.08 secs (325 bytes/sec)

j. Use the dir command again to list the contents of the FTP server again to see the file.

k. Enter get asa842-k8.bin to retrieve the file from the server. This can take 30 seconds or more to complete as the file is big. Fast Forward Time does not help.

ftp> get asa842-k8.bin

Reading file asa842-k8.bin from 
File transfer in progress...

[Transfer complete - 5571584 bytes]

5571584 bytes copied in 46.893 secs (42706 bytes/sec)

l. Enter delete sampleFile.txt to remove the file from the server.

ftp> delete sampleFile.txt

Deleting file sampleFile.txt from ftp>
[Deleted file sampleFile.txt successfully ]

m. Enter quit to exit the FTP client.

n. Display the contents of the directory on the PC again to see the image file from the FTP server.

In the Instructions window for this activity, your completion percentage should be 100%. If not, click Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.

Download 5.5.7 Packet Tracer – Explore Network Protocols .PDF file:

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