10.4.2 Cybersecurity Principles, Practices, and Processes Quiz

10.4.2 Cybersecurity Principles, Practices, and Processes Quiz Answers

1. What is identified by the first dimension of the cybersecurity cube?

  • knowledge
  • goals
  • rules
  • safeguards
  • tools

Explanation: The first dimension of the cybersecurity sorcery cube identifies the goals or security principles required to protect the cyber world.

2. What type of cybersecurity laws protect you from an organization that might want to share your sensitive data?

  • privacy
  • nonrepudiation
  • authentication
  • confidentiality
  • integrity

Explanation: Privacy laws control appropriate use of data and access to data.

3. Which two methods help to ensure data integrity? (Choose two.)

  • privacy
  • repudiation
  • hashing
  • authorization
  • availability
  • data consistency checks

Explanation: Data integrity systems include one of the two data integrity methods.

4. What name is given to a storage device connected to a network?

  • DAS
  • RAID
  • Cloud
  • SAN
  • NAS

Explanation: NAS refers to a storage device connected to a network that allows storage and retrieval of data from a centralized location by authorized network users.

5. What is a method of sending information from one device to another using removable media?

  • LAN
  • packet
  • wired
  • sneaker net
  • infrared
  • wireless

Explanation: Sneaker net refers to hand delivering the removable data.

6. Which data state is maintained in NAS and SAN services?

  • encrypted data
  • data in-transit
  • data in-process
  • stored data

Explanation: A cybersecurity specialist must be familiar with the types of technologies used to store, transmit, and process data.

7. Which type of networks poses increasing challenges to cybersecurity specialists due to the growth of BYOD on campus?

  • wireless networks
  • sneaker net
  • wired networks
  • virtual networks

Explanation: A cybersecurity specialist must be familiar with the types of technologies used to store, transmit, and

8. An organization allows employees to work from home two days a week. Which technology should be implemented to ensure data confidentiality as data is transmitted?

  • SHS
  • VPN
  • RAID

Explanation: Protecting data confidentiality requires an understanding of the technologies used to protect data in all three data states.

9. Which of the following are types of sensitive information? (Choose three.)

  • Public
  • Business
  • Classified
  • Published
  • Declassified
  • Personal

Explanation: There are three types of sensitive information: personal information, business information and classified information. This type of information must be protected from unauthorized access to protect the organization, employees, clients, and partners.

10. Which of the following are foundational principles of the cybersecurity domain? (Choose three.)

  • Security
  • Integrity
  • Policy
  • Encryption
  • Availability
  • Confidentiality

Explanation: There are three foundational principles of security. These are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Together these three principles make up the security triad.

11. What tasks are accomplished by a comprehensive security policy? (Choose three.)

  • It gives security staff the backing of management
  • It is is useful for management
  • It is not legally binding
  • It provides vagueness
  • It defines legal consequences of violations
  • It sets rules for expected behavior

Explanation: The security policy of an organization accomplishes several tasks:

  • It demonstrates the commitment to security by an organization.
  • It sets the rules for expected behavior.
  • It ensures consistency in system operations, and software and hardware acquisition use and maintenance.
  • It defines the legal consequences of violations.
  • It gives security staff the backing of management.

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