Programming Essentials in C: Mock Test (CLA) Exam Answers

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1. What is the value of the following integer literal?

  • 17
  • 15
  • 23
  • the literal is invalid

2. What is the value of the following integer literal?

  • 15
  • 17
  • the literal is invalid
  • 23

3. Which of the following strings is a valid variable name?

  • none of these
  • anti_world
  • anti:world
  • anti-world

4. Which of the following declarations is valid?

  • float float;
  • float int;
  • float long;
  • float floating;

5. What is the value of the X variable at the end of the following snippet?

    int X = 8;
    X = X - X / 2;
    X = X * X / 4;
    X = X + 2 * X;
  • 14
  • 16
  • 12
  • 10

6. What is the value of the X variable at the end of the following snippet?

    float X = 2.0;
    X = X + X * 4;
    X = X / X * X;
    X = X / X + X;
  • 11.000000
  • 0.500000
  • 1.000000
  • 110.000000

7. Which of the following strings is a proper floating-point number (in the “C” language sense)?

  • 3E8
  • 3,0×10^8
  • 300,000,000
  • 3.0×10^8

8. What is the value of the Y variable at the end of the following snippet?

    int X = 1, Y = X + 2, Z = Y++;

    Z = X / Y * --X * Y--;
  • 5
  • 3
  • 1
  • 7

9. What is the value of the X variable at the end of the following snippet?

    int X;

    X = ('r' - 's') * ('A' / 'Z');
  • 1
  • the snippet is invalid and will cause a compilation error
  • 2
  • 0

10. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {
        int x = 1, y = 1;
        float k = -1e0, m = 2e1;
        printf("%d\n", (x >= y) + (x >= y) + (k >= y) + (m >= k) + ('q' <= 'z'));
        return 0;
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 3
  • the program outputs 2

11. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {
        int i = 1;
        if(i = 0)
        	i = 2;
        	i = 3;
        return 0;
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 3

12. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        int i = 1, j = 0;
        do {
        	i *= 2;
        	j += i / 2;
        } while(j < 1);
        printf("%d",i + j); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 3
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program enters an infinite loop and does not output anything
  • the program outputs 2

13. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        int i = 5, j = 16;
        while(j >= 0) {
        	i /= 2;
        	j -= i / 2;
        printf("%d",i + j); 
        return 0; 
  • the program enters an infinite loop and does not output anything
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 3
  • the program outputs 2

14. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        int i = 1, j;
        for(j = 0; j ; j--) 
        	i *= 2;
        printf("%d",i + j); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program enters an infinite loop and does not output anything
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 3

15. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        int i = -1, j = 1;
        for(i++; i++; i++) 
        printf("%d",i + j); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 3
  • the program enters an infinite loop and does not output anything
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 2

16. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        int i = 1, j = 0, k;
        k = (i >> j) + (j >> i) + (i >> i) + (j >> j);
        k <<= i;
        printf("%d", k); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 0
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 2

17. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        int i = 3, j = i - 2 * i;
        switch(i - j) {
        	case  1: j++;
        	case  2: j--;
        	case  0: j++; break;
        	default: j = 0;
        printf("%d", ++j); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 0

18. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        int i = 5, j = i - 4 * i;
        switch(j) {
        	default: j = 2;
        	case  1: j--; break;
        	case  2: j++;
        	case  0: j--; break;
        printf("%d", j++); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 0
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 1

19. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        int i, t[4];
        for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        	t[i] = 4 - i;
        	t[i + 1] = 2 * t[i];
        printf("%d\n", t[2]);
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 0
  • the program outputs 2

20. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        int i, s = 0, t[] = {16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0};
        for(i = 5; t[i] > 2; i /= 2) 
        	s += t[i];
        printf("%d\n", s);
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 0
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 1

21. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        char t[] = { 'x', 'z', 'Y', 'Z', '2' , '0'};
        printf("%d\n", t[t[1] - t[0] - t[3] + t[2] + 3] - t[5]);
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 0
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 1

22. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        float a = 3.14E0, *b = &a, **c = &b;
        **c = a + (a == *b);
        printf("%f", a);
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 4.140000
  • the program outputs NULL
  • the program outputs 2.140000
  • the program outputs 3.140000

23. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        char t[4][4];
        printf("%d\n",sizeof(t) / sizeof(t[0]) / sizeof(t[0][0]));
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 4

24. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        char *p = "\0\2\1\3\4";
        printf("%d\n", p[p[2]] + *(p + 1) + p[0]);
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 2

25. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    #include <string.h>
    int main(void) { 
        char tt[20] = "9081726354";
        strcpy(tt, tt + 3);
        printf("%d\n", strlen(tt) - tt[9] + '5');
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 4

26. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    #include <string.h>
    int main(void) { 
        char tt[20] = "0123456789";
        strcat(tt + 11, "123");
        printf("%d\n", strlen(tt) - tt[8] + '0');
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 4

27. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main(void) { 
        float *t = 1 + (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * sizeof(float));
        *t = 8.0;
        t[1] = *t / 4.0;
        t[-1] = *t / 2.0;
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 1.000000
  • the program outputs 8.000000
  • the program outputs 4.000000
  • the program outputs 2.000000

28. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    #include <string.h>
    struct S {
        char S[8];
    int main(void) { 
        struct S S = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' };
        printf("%d", sizeof(S.S) - strlen(S.S) + S.S[4]); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 2

29. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    struct S {
        char *S;

    int main(void) { 
        struct S *S = (struct S *) malloc(sizeof(struct S));
        S -> S = "123\0""45678";
        printf("%d", strlen(S -> S + 5) + S -> S[3]); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 1

30. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    struct S {
        int Var;
        struct S *Str;
    int main(void) { 
        struct S S[] = { { 8, NULL }, { 4, &S[0] }, { 2, &S[1] } };
        printf("%d", S[2].Str->Str->Var);
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 8

31. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int fun(int *t) {
        return *(t + 3);
    int main(void) { 
        int arr[] = { 3, 2, 1, 0 };
        printf("%d\n", fun(arr - 2));
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 4

31. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    float f(float v) { 
        	v = v / 2.0;
        return v + v;
    int main(void) { 
        float x = 4; 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 8.000000
  • the program outputs 1.000000
  • the program outputs 4.000000
  • the program outputs 2.000000

32. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    char *f(char *p) { 
        return p += 2;
    char *g(char *p) {
        return --p;
    int main(void) { 
        char *s = "ABCDEFGHIJ";
        char  p = *f(g(f(s + 1)));
        printf("%d",p - 'A'); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 4

33. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    struct S {
        int S[3];
    void f(struct S S) { 
        S.S[0] = S.S[1] + S.S[2] - 4;
    int main(void) { 
        struct S S = { { 1, 4, 2 } };
        printf("%d",S.S[1] * S.S[0]); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 4

34. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    struct S {
        int S[3];
    void f(struct S *S) { 
        S->S[2] = 6 * S->S[0] + S -> S[1];
    int main(void) { 
        struct S S = { { 1, 2 } }, *P = &S;
        printf("%d",S.S[2] / S.S[0]); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 8

35. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    #include <string.h>
    char *f(int p, char *s) { 
        s[p + 2] = '\0';
        return s - 1;
    int main(void) { 
        char s[] = "ABCDEF";
        int i = strlen(f(1,s + 2));
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 2

36. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    int main(void) { 
        char s[20] = "?"; 
        FILE *f = fopen("fopen","w"); 
        int i = fputs("789",f); 
        f = fopen("fopen","r"); 
        fgets(s + 1,3,f); 
        printf("%c\n", s[2] - s[3]); 
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 8
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 2

37. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    #define  ONE    1
    #define  TWO 	ONE + ONE
    int main(void) { 
        int i = 2;
        i = i - 2 * TWO;
        printf("%d\n", i);
        return 0; 
  • the program outputs 4
  • the program outputs 2
  • the program outputs 1
  • the program outputs 0

38. What is the meaning of the following declaration?

    float *f(int);
  • f is a pointer to function (int) returning float;
  • f is a function (int) returning pointer to float;
  • f is a pointer to function (float) returning int;
  • the declaration is incorrect

39. Select the proper form for the following declaration:
ptr is a pointer to pointer to pointer to double

  • double **ptr;
  • double ***ptr;
  • double *ptr;
  • the declaration is invalid and cannot be coded in C
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4 years ago

French is a programmable language