CCNA 1 v6.0 Study Material – Chapter 2: Configure a Network Operating System

Chapter 2 – Sections & Objectives

2.1 IOS Bootcamp

  • Explain the purpose of Cisco IOS.
  • Explain how to access a Cisco IOS device for configuration purposes.
  • Explain how to navigate Cisco IOS to configure network devices.
  • Describe the command structure of Cisco IOS software.

2.2 Basic Device Configuration

  • Configure hostnames on a Cisco IOS device using the CLI.
  • Use Cisco IOS commands to limit access to device configurations.
  • Use IOS commands to save the running configuration.


2.3 Address Schemes

  • Explain how devices communicate across network media.
  • Configure a host device with an IP address.
  • Verify connectivity between two end devices.


2.1 IOS Bootcamp

Cisco IOS

    • Operating Systems
      • PC OS allows users to interact with the computer
      • User-computer interaction in PC OSs are often done via mouse, keyboard and monitor
      • Cisco IOS is also an Operating System
      • Cisco IOS allows users to interact with Cisco devices.

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  • Cisco IOS enables a technician to:
    • Use a keyboard to run CLI-based network programs.
    • Use a keyboard to enter text and text-based commands.
    • View output on a monitor.
  • All Cisco networking devices come with a default IOS.
  • It is possible to upgrade the IOS version or feature set.

Cisco IOS Access

  • Access Methods
    • Console
    • Auxiliar
    • Virtual Terminal (Telnet / SSH)
  • Terminal Emulation Programs
    • PuTTY
    • Tera Term
    • SecureCRT

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Navigate the IOS

    • Cisco IOS Modes of Operation
      • Initial configuration must be done via console connection.
      • Configuration is then done via various CLI command modes.

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  • Primary Command Modes
    • User EXEC Mode
    • Privileged EXEC Mode
  • Configuration Command Modes
    • The Configure Terminal command enters the Global Configuration Mode.
    • Sub-configuration modes are accessible from the Privileged EXEC Mode.
    • Examples are: swtich(config-line)# and switch(config-if)#
  • Navigate Between IOS Modes
    • Navigation between modes is also done via commands.
    • The enable command enters the Privileged EXEC Mode.
    • The exit commands exits to the parent command mode.

The Command Structure

  • Basic IOS Command Structure
    • The general syntax for a command is the command followed by any appropriate keywords and arguments.
    • Keyword – a specific parameter defined in the operating system
    • Argument – not predefined; a value or variable defined by the user
  • IOS Command Syntax
    • Provides the pattern or format that must be used when entering a command.
    • The Cisco IOS Command Reference is the ultimate source of information for a particular IOS command.
  • IOS Help Feature
    • The IOS has two forms of help available: Context-Sensitive Help and Command Syntax Check.
  • Hotkeys and Shortcuts
    • Commands and keywords can be shortened to the minimum number of characters that identify a unique selection.
    • Line editing keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl-A are also supported.

2.2 Basic Device Configuration


  • Device Names
    • Hostnames allow devices to be identified by network administrators over a network or the Internet.
    • Very important and should also be displayed in the topology.
  • Configure Hostnames
    • IOS hostnames should:
    • Start with a letter
    • Contain no spaces
    • End with letter or digit
    • Use only letters, digits or dashes
    • Be less than 64 characters in length

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Limit Access to Device Configurations

  • Secure Device Access
    • Secure privileged EXEC and user EXEC access with a password.
    • Secure virtual terminal lines with a password.
  • Configure Passwords
    • Use strong passwords.
    • Avoid re-using passwords
  • Encrypt Passwords
    • Cisco IOS displays passwords in plain text by default.
    • Passwords should be encrypted.
  • Banner Messages
    • Important part of the legal process in the event that someone is prosecuted for breaking into a device.
    • Wording that implies that a login is “welcome” or “invited” is not appropriate.
    • Often used for legal notification because it is displayed to all connected terminals.

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Save Configurations

  • Save the Running Configuration File
    • File stored in NVRAM that contains all of the commands that will be used upon startup or reboot
    • NVRAM does not lose its contents when the device is powered off.
  • Alter the Running Configuration
    • File stored in RAM that reflects the current configuration, modifying affects the operation of a Cisco device immediately.
    • RAM loses all of its content when the device is powered off or restarted.
  • Capture Configuration to a Text File
    • Configuration files can also be saved and archived to a text document.
    • The configuration can then be edited with any text editor and placed back in the device.

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2.3 Address Schemes

Ports and Addresses

  • IP Addresses
    • Each end device on a network must be configured with an IP address.
    • Enable devices to establish end-to-end communication on the Internet.
    • The structure of an IPv4 address is called dotted decimal notation and is represented by four decimal numbers between 0 and 255.
    • IPv6 is the most recent version of IP and the replacement for the more common IPv4.
  • Interface and Ports
    • Network communications depend on interfaces and the cables that connect them.
    • Different types of network media have different features and benefits.
    • Ethernet is the most common local area network (LAN) technology.
    • SVI provides a means to remotely manage a switch over a network.

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Configure IP Addressing

  • Manual IP Address Configuration for End Devices
    • To manually configure an IPv4 address on a Windows host, open the Control Panel > Network Sharing Center > Change adapter settings and choose the adapter.
    • Next right-click and select Properties to display the Local Area Connection Properties shown in Figure 1.
  • Automatic IP Address Configuration for End Devices
    • DHCP enables automatic IPv4 address configuration for every end device that has DHCP enabled. No extra configuration is needed.
  • Switch Virtual Interface Configuration
    • To configure an SVI on a switch, use the interface vlan 1 global configuration command. Vlan 1 is not an actual physical interface but a virtual one.

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Verifying Connectivity

    • Interface Addressing Verification
      • Cisco IOS supports commands to allow IP configuration verification.

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  • End-To-End Connectivity Test
    • The ping command can be used to test connectivity to another device on the network or a website on the Internet.

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2.4 Chapter Summary


  • Explain the features and functions of Cisco IOS Software.
  • Configure initial settings on a network device using the Cisco IOS software.
  • Given an IP addressing scheme, configure IP address parameters on end devices to provide end-to-end connectivity in a small to medium-sized business network.

Section 2.1 New Terms and Commands

  • kernel
  • shell
  • Command-line interface (CLI)
  • Graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Cisco IOS
  • Firmware
  • Console
  • Out-of-band
  • SSH
  • Telnet
  • Auxiliary port (AUX)
  • PuTTY
  • Tera Term

  • SecureCRT
  • OS X Terminal
  • Cisco IOS modes
  • User EXEC mode
  • Privileged EXEC mode
  • Global Configuration Mode
  • Line configuration mode
  • Interface configuration mode
  • enable command
  • disable command
  • exit command
  • end command
  • Key combination – Ctrl+Z
  • Context-Sensitive Help

  • Command Syntax Check
  • CLI Hot Keys and Shortcuts
  • Hostnames

Section 2.2 New Terms and Commands

  • hostname name
  • Strong passwords
  • enable secret class
  • line console 0
  • password cisco
  • login
  • line vty 0 15
  • service password-encryption
  • banner motd # the message of the day #
  • Startup configuration
  • Random Access Memory (NVRAM)
  • Running configuration

  • Random Access Memory (RAM)
  • show running-config
  • copy running-config startup-config
  • reload

Section 2.3 New Terms and Commands

  • IPv4 address
  • Subnet mask
  • Default gateway
  • Physical ports
  • Virtual interface
  • Copper
  • Fiber Optics
  • Wireless
  • Ethernet
  • Local Area Network (LAN)
  • Layer 2 switch
  • Layer 3 addresses
  • Switch virtual interface (SVI)

  • Dynamic Host Configuration (DHCP)
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • ipconfig command prompt
  • interface vlan 1

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