5.4.3 Packet Tracer – Observing Dynamic Routing Protocol Updates Answers

5.4.3 Packet Tracer – Observing Dynamic Routing Protocol Updates Answers


5.4.3 Packet Tracer - Observing Dynamic Routing Protocol Updates Answers 2

Learning Objectives

  • Examine the behavior of a dynamic routing protocol, RIP v1


Routers can learn about routes from other routers by using dynamic routing protocols. In such protocols, which may run according to timers or triggering events or both, routers have been configured to exchange information. RIP version 1 is a simple dynamic routing protocol that has been configured on Routers A, B, and C.

Task 1: Run the simulation.

Step 1. Enter Simulation mode

Click the Simulation tab to enter Simulation mode. Also, use the Inspect Tool (magnifying glass), located in the right side toolbar of Packet Tracer to display the routing tables for each router.

Step 2. Step through the simulation.

Click the Capture / Forward button; the routers will send update packets. There are several special features of how these routers have been configured. Note that Router A is not sending any update packets, Router B is sending updates to both Router A and Router C, and Router C has been configured not to send routing updates to the LANs to which it is connected. If you encounter a “No More Events” message, just click the OK button and continue clicking the Capture / Forward button. Note also that even though no user data traffic (no web page requests, no pings) is being sent across the network, the network is still “alive” with communications so that the routers have an up-to-date picture of the how to forward packets to their destination.

Task 2: Examine the routing update packets

Step 1. Make Observations

As you are clicking the Capture / Forward button, routing update packets are observed. By clicking on either the packet envelope, or the colored square in the Info column of the Event List, examine these routing update packets by opening the PDU information window. Use both the OSI Model tab view and the Inbound/Outbound PDU Details tabs views to explore the routing updates. You will learn much more about routing protocols and how to configure routers in future courses.

Be sure to check with your instructor if you have any additional questions from your observations of the PDU information window.

Download Packet Tracer (.pka) file:

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